Missing Middle Housing Resources

Missing Middle Housing (MMH) is a range of small multi-unit housing types that are similar in scale to a single-family house and are often found in walkable areas. This study focuses on duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, ADUs, and bungalow courts. MMH types are "middle" in form and scale between that of small single-family houses and larger apartment buildings, enabling them to blend into existing residential neighborhoods. With smaller units, MMH can provide housing at price points attainable to many middle-income households.

Access Missing Middle Housing factsheets, study reports, and other key documents below.

Phase 2 documents

October 5, 2023 - Webinar 1: What could MMH look like in Sacramento? 

October 19, 2023 - Webinar 2: How could MMH provide lower-cost housing and promote homeownership opportunities?