Transportation Library and Data

The City has many transportation plans and projects.

2014 Transportation programming guide
2035 General plan
65th Street station area study
Alkali Flat / Mansion Flat strategic neighborhood action plan
American River crossing study
Approved Capital improvement projects
Bicycle master plan
Broadway bridge
Broadway complete streets plan
Central City specific plan
Climate action plan (2015)
Climate action plan for internal operations
Current street design standards
Del Rio Trail
Docks area specific plan
Electric vehicle strategy
Envision broadway in Oak Park
Folsom Blvd streetscape plan
Franklin Blvd complete streets
Freeport Blvd transportation plan
Grid 3.0
I Street Bridge
I-5-Richards Blvd interchange project
Intelligent transportation system (ITS) master plan
Marconi Light Rail Station technical report
Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard streetscape and urban design master plan
McClellan Heights and Park Homes land use and infrastructure plan
Meadowview urban design plan
Northgate Blvd transportation plan
Northwood School and Transit access improvements
Pedestrian crossing guidelines
Pedestrian master plan

Pocket Greenhaven Transportation Plan

R Street Corridor urban design and development plan
Railyards specific plan
River District specific plan
Sacramento River Parkway plans
Sacramento Valley Station master plan
Stockton Blvd corridor plan
Swanston Station transit village specific plan
Tahoe/Colonial strategic neighborhood action plan
Treatment applications
Two Rivers Trail
Valley Rail Sacramento extension
Vision Zero action plan
Vision Zero School safety study
Vision Zero Top 5 corridor study
West Broadway specific plan

The City also has a number of policies and guidance related to transportation. This lists is not comprehensive but reflects recent work.

Bicycling on sidewalks
Complete Streets policy
Creative Crosswalk criteria and guidance
Wayfinding process

Pedestrian Crossing guidelines

Treatment applications


Current street design standards



The Transportation Division of Public Work has access to a variety of data sets.

Traffic (vehicle) counts

Ride report shared rideable data