The corner city building at night. open_in_full

Acquisitions and disposal

Real Estate Services is a unit of the Facilities and Real Property Division of the Department of Public Works. We are an internal support unit that provides property-related services to various City departments. Such services include right-of-way acquisition, sale and purchase of property, appraisal, leasing, relocation assistance, consulting, feasibility analysis, cellular site permits and special projects.


Interested in telecommunications (cellular) permits:

The City encourages companies to contact Real Estate Services to inform us of their interest in installing cellular equipment on City-owned property. We can be reached by phone at 311. Those interested in a telecommunications permit must complete and submit an application, including a non-refundable processing fee.

Declaration of Exempt Surplus Land

More information found here: 

Any interested party has thirty (30) days from the date of this notice to submit public comments to the City. Comments may be submitted to Richard Sanders, Facilities & Real Property Superintendent, at