Assembly Bill 481: Military Equipment Use

California Assembly Bill 481 requires law enforcement agencies to obtain approval of the applicable governing body (Mayor and City Council), by adoption of a military equipment use policy prior to taking certain actions relating to the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment as defined by the legislature.

To help guide this process and create transparency for our community, the Sacramento Police Department has established the below links to all the required materials including our policy, annual report, city council approval, and the full text of the bill.

2023-2024 Community Surveys

The Sacramento Police Department  is reaching out to our community for feedback on our draft Military Equipment Use Policy and Report. Please utilize the links below to access our the survey:

Sacramento Community Police Review Commission: 2022 recommendation submission and response forms

Military Equipment Use:

  1. Recommendation #1 
  2. Recommendation #2
  3. Recommendation #3
  4. Recommendation #4
  5. Recommendation #5
  6. Recommendation #6
  7. Recommendation #7
  8. Recommendation #8
  9. Recommendation #9

Military Equipment Use Memos:

  1. Memo #1
  2. Memo #2
  3. Memo #3
  4. Memo #4
  5. Memo #5

2022-2023 Community Forums: audio recordings of military equipment use conversations

Comments and complaints

Comments regarding AB 481 can be emailed to our Professional Standards Unit.

Please use our Personnel Complaint Procedure to submit complaints relating to AB 481 - all complaints will be investigated by our Internal Affairs Division.