Education and Training Materials

"Police Academy" a blue neon sign on a dark brick wall background open_in_full


The Sacramento Police Department Research, Training, and Employee Development Division is committed to providing the highest caliber education and training to our employees, consistent with best practice, policy, and the law. In an effort to pursue the highest level of transparency for the community we post our education and training materials presented to our officers.

We will continue to update this information as we develop new training curriculum and improve our educational materials. . In addition to the materials and outlines available below, digital student workbooks  are also made available on the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) website.

Effective June 6, 2020, the Sacramento Police Department policy no longer includes the Carotid Control Hold as an approved technique. As a result the Training Division has immediately removed it from all curriculum in both the Academy and In-Service training, and it is not being taught. Included in this section you can find both the previous and current Arrest Control Technique curriculum being taught to Sacramento Police Officers.

Additional officer training

Active course outlines can be found below.

2024 course outlines

Human Trafficking Awareness 

Continuing professional training (CPT)

Active course outlines can be found below.

Mandatory follow-up training

Active course outlines can be found below.

Police Academy training

Active course outlines can be found below.

2025 course outlines

After Academy Training 2025