California Public Records Act

What is the Public Records Act?

In 1968, the California Legislature enacted the California Public Records Act (CPRA) under Government Code (GC) sections 7920.000-7931.000. In its findings and declarations, mindful of the right of individuals' privacy, the Legislature declared it was the public’s right to access information concerning the people’s business.

The City of Sacramento understands and supports the public’s right to access the public records created and maintained by the City in the course of their normal business. It is the goal of the City and the Sacramento Police Department (SPD) to provide service in a transparent manner. The Sacramento Police Department's Government Affairs Unit (GAU) processes public records requests for information on behalf of the Department.

Public Records Portal - Sacramento Police Department (SPD)

SPD has it's own Public Records Portal that allows you to submit your request, correspond with Department staff, and track your requests on-line. This portal will help you request the records you need from SPD. By reviewing previously published requests and documents you may find what you need without submitting a new request.

Use of the NextRequest platform is intended to facilitate public access to public records under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Official records are held by SPD pursuant to the governing record retention schedules.

The Public Records Act (PRA) portal linked above is utilized solely by SPD. For all other city department requests, including those that involve multiple city departments, please visit the Sacramento City Clerk's Office's Public Records Portal.

General information

The CPRA provides for the disclosure of existing, identifiable records. SPD is not required to prepare new records in response to a request, or to compile, synthesize, summarize, or index information or records in a form that does not exist at the time of the request.

Records requests posted to this portal are public. We suggest that you do not include confidential information such as birthdates or Social Security numbers when submitting your request.

Requesters’ information is not published on this portal; however, this information is public and may be released in response to another PRA request.

Once you submit your request, you will receive email notifications regarding the status of your request. If you are not receiving these email notifications, please check your spam/junk folder.

Please note, if you are a party in a case and want to request your police report or traffic collision report, please visit our How do I Request a Report page or contact the Sacramento Police Department’s Records Division directly at 916-808-0620.

Tips on submitting focused requests

  • Search prior requests on the portal or the documents page for previously published records that sought data or statistics. 
  • Be as specific as possible with the types of records that you are requesting. Provide a date range for the records you are seeking. 
  • For example: from January 1, 2020 to the date of the request. List all known units or employees that may be involved in the subject matter.

Popular resources

Records not maintained by the Sacramento Police Department

 The records listed below are not maintained by the Sacramento Police Department. You may contact the agencies identified below for these records: