Request a Police Report

Requesting a copy of a police/crime report

The release of police reports is governed by the California Public Records Act  (Government Code Section 7920.000-7931.000) and Sacramento Police Department (SPD) policy  (GO 320.05).

Guidelines for releasing reports

Police report information shall not be released without first establishing both the "right to know" and the "need to know." "Right to know" is defined as the right to obtain police report information pursuant to court order, statute, or decisional law. "Need to know" is defined as the necessity to obtain police report information to execute official responsibilities.

Police reports are not released to arrested individuals and/or suspects. These individuals may obtain reports through their legal representatives through the discovery and/or subpoena process.

Types of reports that can be released

Property Crime Reports - Copies of the initial reports may be released after the names of arrested persons or suspects are deleted. Any additional lists and descriptions of stolen, damaged, or missing property may also be released.

Person Crime Reports - The face sheet of reports involving crimes against persons, the victim's statement and descriptions of any injuries sustained by the victim may be released. In cases of person crimes which include thefts, e.g., grand theft person, strong-arm robbery, etc., the face sheet plus any lists and descriptions of stolen property or injuries sustained by the victim may be released.

Traffic Accident Reports - Copies of the entire report may be released unless the report indicates Hit and Run or Fatal. In those cases, the report will only be released after approval of the Traffic Section or after 90 days has elapsed. See the section on requesting Traffic Accident Reports below for more information.

Lost or Found Property Reports - Copies of incident reports classified as Lost Property or Found Property may be released.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Reports - DUI reports shall be released to the subject of the report or his/her authorized agent, minus any Department of Motor Vehicle forms.

Types of reports and records that are exempt from disclosure

  • Report types not listed above;
  • Investigative supplements;
  • Photographs of arrested persons, witnesses or suspects;
  • Reports of booked property or evidence;
  • Crime scene photographs.

Please be advised, we do not accept faxed requests from insurance companies.

How can I request a copy of a report?

If you would like to request a copy of a police/crime report, you must either mail or fax* your written request to the Records Division or appear in person and complete a request form. You can only receive a crime report if you are an authorized person such as the victim, the victim's representative or as provided in Section 7923.605 of the Government Code.

Requests are processed in the order received and due to the sheer number of requests may take 3-4 weeks for processing. Requesting a report in person, does not mean the request will be immediately filled. Once the report is ready, it will be mailed to you unless other arrangements have been made.

You can mail or fax your request to:

Sacramento Police Department
Attn: Records Report Request

5770 Freeport Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95822

Fax: (916) 808-0636

In person requests require that the requestor have a valid government issued identification and have a valid ‘right or need’ to access the police report as explained above.

You may come into the public counter at one of the two police facilities that accept these request in person (no appointments are available, citizens are assisted in the order they check-in):

Police Headquarters – Public Safety Center
5770 Freeport Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95822

William J. Kinney Police Facility
3550 Marysville Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95838

For all request types, in order to obtain a copy of a police/crime report, you must provide:

  • The type of report – Robbery, Burglary, etc 
  • A report number, if known 
  • The date and location (address and/or cross-streets) of occurrence 
  • The party/parties involved in the incident and their addresses, if known 
  • A vehicle license number, when applicable 
  • The insurance policy number - if the requestor is an insurance company 
  • A release/authorization from an involved party - if the request is from an attorney 
  •  Authorizing documentation, e.g., power of attorney, death certificate, birth certificate - if the request is from an interested party other than a listed victim

Additional Information

For further questions and clarification, please contact the Sacramento Police Department Records Division at 916-808-0620.

Requesting a copy of a traffic accident report

Motor vehicle accident reports, written by the Sacramento Police Department, are available for purchase online or by mail.


Motor vehicle accident reports, written by SPD officers may be available for purchase online. Cost of an online report is $5.00.

Request an Online Accident Report 

Reports are typically available five to ten days from the date of the accident. If your report is not available after ten days, please contact Records at 916-808-0620.

Some accident reports may not be available online as a result of the following:

  • A Sacramento Police officer did not respond to the scene of the accident.
  • The accident occurred on private property. 
  • There were serious injuries and/or a fatality as a result of the accident.
  • The accident was a hit and run.

The Sacramento Police Department reserves the right to further restrict the availability of online accident reports.

By mail

Traffic reports can be released to authorized persons such as the victim, the victim's representative, or as provided in Section 20012  of the California Vehicle Code. To request a copy of an accident report by mail, please provide:

  • The type of report - Traffic. 
  • A report number, if known. 
  • The date and location (address and/or cross-streets) of occurrence. 
  • The party/parties involved in the collision and their addresses, if known.
  • The vehicle license number, when applicable. 
  • The insurance policy number if the requestor is an insurance company. 
  • A release from an involved party if the request is from an attorney. 
  • Authorizing documentation e.g., power of attorney, death certificate, or birth certificate, if the request is from an interested party other than a listed victim

Mail the above information to:

Sacramento Police Department
Attn: Records Report Requests

5770 Freeport Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95822