Existing Building Electrification Strategy

Electrification of existing buildings is a crucial step in the City’s work to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The Existing Building Electrification Strategy is an implementing action of the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, which was adopted by City Council on February 27, 2024. The Existing Building Electrification Strategy was adopted unanimously by City Council on May 14, 2024.


In June 2020, the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) released its final recommendations for the City of Sacramento and City of West Sacramento to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The recommendations included requiring new construction to be all-electric, in addition to transitioning 25% of existing residential and small commercial buildings to all electric by 2030, and 100% of existing buildings by 2045. In August 2020, the Sacramento City Council embraced the MCCC’s recommendations and directed staff to develop an ordinance for electrification of new construction and a strategy for existing building electrification, with a focus on under-resourced communities. In January 2021, City Council committed to building electrification as a key strategy for the 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. On June 1, 2021, the Sacramento City Council adopted a framework for existing building electrification (Resolution No. 2021-0166). The framework defines the timeline and objectives for developing a strategy to transition Sacramento’s existing buildings to electricity by 2045. The framework prioritizes engaging with residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to plan an equitable transition, with a focus on historically marginalized communities of color, low-income communities, and small businesses.

The adopted Climate Action & Adaptation Plan includes measure E-3: Transition natural gas in existing buildings to carbon free electricity by 2045. Development of the Existing Building Electrification Strategy is implementing action E-3.1.

The Existing Building Electrification Strategy was developed with extensive community engagement and analysis of Sacramento’s building stock. The Strategy is a long-term roadmap to decarbonize our buildings by 2045 and includes policy recommendations and a range of supportive actions tailored to residential and commercial buildings.

Want to learn more about how to electrify your home or business?

Visit our Climate Friendly Buildings Resource Page to learn more about the benefits and process of making the switch to efficient electric appliances.

Past meeting information

May 14, 2024, City Council - Strategy Adoption Hearing

April 11, 2024 Planning and Design Commission Meeting


Ways to connect

Sign up to receive Existing Building Electrification updates.

Email us: electrification@cityofsacramento.org