Missing Middle Housing

Project Updates

Several revisions have been made to the proposed framework that was presented at the May 9 Planning & Design Commission meeting.  View the Revised Interim Ordinance Framework and Adoption Schedule.

Folks may reach out to Nguyen Nguyen at NNNguyen@cityofsacramento.org with any questions or input. Staff anticipates the interim ordinance to become effective by Fall of 2024, allowing the City to begin accepting planning applications for neighborhood-scale multi-unit development

What is MMH?

Missing Middle Housing (MMH) is a range of small multi-unit housing types that are similar in scale to a single-family house and are often found in walkable areas. This study focuses on duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, ADUs, and bungalow courts. 

MMH types are "middle" in form and scale between that of small single-family houses and larger apartment buildings, enabling them to blend into existing residential neighborhoods. With smaller units, MMH can provide housing at price points attainable to many middle-income households.

For more information, please refer to the Missing Middle Housing Informational Report.

Desired outcome

  • Develop a place-based, community-vetted approach to enable housing diversity, livability, and attainability.
  • Empower residents to invest in their commnity through neighborhood-scale projects that can create generational wealth.
  •  Provide economic opportunity for passive retirement income and create opportunities to house inter-generational households.
  • Increase reliance on local investors and builders to provide much-needed housing that can help build community wealth & ownership over time. 
  • Establish zoning & design recommendations suitable for Sacramento.
Land Park Duplex open_in_full

Project approach and findings

The MMH study is a two-phase project that combines community engagement with technical, data-driven analysis to formulate context-sensitive recommendations for re-allowing MMH citywide. The following 4 reports have been produced as part of this process:

With the completion of the last two reports, the MMH Study has now concluded. City staff is now developing an interim ordinance to implement the Study's recommendations to help facilitate the development of Missing Middle Housing in Sacramento.

Contact us

If you have any questions about Missing Middle Housing please email us at Planning