Rental Housing Inspection Program

About the RHIP program

The purpose of the Rental Housing Inspection Program is to address the issue of substandard rental properties, promote greater compliance with health and safety standards and preserve the quality of Sacramento’s neighborhoods and available housing. The program achieves compliance of health, safety and welfare code violations for residential rental properties that are a threat to the occupant's safety.

Registration and Updates

Owners of rental property are required to submit a Rental Housing Program Registration Form for each rental property owned. The registration form is used to confirm the number of units on each parcel and to collect contact information for the owner, and Local Contact Representative.

If you received a registration packet by mail, but would prefer to register online, please check here.

If a property is already registered, this link can also be used to update information such as a change in mailing address, phone number, email, or updating the Local Contact Representative on file.

If you believe your property to be exempt from the Rental Housing Inspection Program, or if you received a packet for a property that has since sold, please complete and return the Application for Exemption form or submit the form online.  For additional information regarding exemptions, please see the Exemptions section below.

While we make every effort to send packets to potential property owners, it is ultimately the owners’ responsibility to register each property whether or not they are contacted by the City.

Program Fees*

The Rental Housing Inspection Program collects fees to help cover the cost of the program administration and inspections performed by the inspectors.

Rental Housing Inspection Program Fee: $25 per rental housing unit

Unit Inspection Fee: $180 per each new rental unit inspected by the program

Additional fees would be imposed if the property is not brought into compliance within 30 days of the initial inspection, if the inspection appointment is not kept or not rescheduled within 7 calendar days of the appointment or if the annual fee is not paid to the City in a timely manner. 

*Fees changed effective July 1, 2024 - see table below

Fee NamePrior FeeFee Effective 7/1/24
Rental Housing Program Fee$16$25
Unit Inspection Fee$164$180
Additional Unit Inspection Fee$164$180
Reinspection Fee$164$185
Rescheduling Fee$80$164

Detailed information

  • Inspections: Once a property is registered with our program, it will be scheduled for an inspection. Inspection notices are sent to the property owner providing two weeks’ notice of the date and time of the inspection. A notice is also sent to the tenant at the rental property address. The inspection appointment letter includes a sample inspection checklist and a Tenant Consent to Enter form which can be used by the tenant if they cannot be present for the inspection. If violations are found during the initial inspection, the owner is given 30 days to make the corrections. If all violations are not corrected before the 30-day progress inspection an Administrative Notice and Order may be issued. Properties taking more than 30-days to complete repairs are required to be inspected the following year and pay a $185 re-inspection fee.
  • Self-Certification Program: If no violations exist on the property at the time of the initial inspection or if the violations are corrected before the 30-day re-inspection, the inspector will issue an approved inspection checklist and the property will be placed in the Self-Certification Program. The Self-Certification Program requires owners to perform their own inspections of each rental unit on an annual (calendar year) basis and upon any change in tenancy. Owners will be provided with “Self Certification” checklists to be completed at each inspection. The completed self-certification inspection checklists must be retained by the owner for a period of three years from the date of the inspections.
  • Random Inspections of Self-Certified Properties: The Rental Housing Program randomly inspects 10% of the properties that have been self-certified to verify that the property is maintained. If the property is found in compliance, the property will continue in the Self-Certification Program. As long as the property is maintained and no violations exist, the property will continue in the Self-Certification Program. If the property does not pass inspection, it will no longer be eligible for the Self-Certification Program and will be subject to annual inspections until such time as it does pass inspection. The cost for the continuing inspection is $180 per each unit inspected.
  • Exemptions: The program requirements apply to all residential rental housing units, however some rental housing units may be exempt under certain conditions. Exemption categories include units that are regularly inspected by another agency or rental properties that are less than five (5) years old. If any of these circumstances exist, a property owner must submit an Application for Exemption to the Community Development Department. Exemptions will be reviewed for compliance with the program. Submit an Application for Exemption online.
  • Local Contact Representatives: Property owners who reside outside of the Sacramento area are required to have a “Local Contact Representative” who can be available to attend inspections and respond to notices on the owner’s behalf. This person may be your property manager, a friend, relative or tenant. A space is provided on the registration form for the Local Contact Representative’s contact information and signature.
  • Residents Rights Form: The City of Sacramento has partnered with the Rental Housing Association (or “RHA”) to develop a “Residents Rights ” form. This form is to be provided to each new tenant prior to taking occupancy. The form can be downloaded from our web page or provided by mail. It is also available on the Rental Housing Association web page at The Rental Housing Association is a non-profit organization serving rental owners and property managers in the Sacramento Valley region since 1951. Members of the association own or manage over 80,000 rental properties, from single-family homes to apartment communities.

Contact us

Phone: (916) 808-7368
Fax: (916) 288-9955

For appointment changes, rescheduling, etc. or for urgent matters please contact us by phone as e-mail replies are subject to delay.