VLP Registration Instructions

Registering a vacant lot - instructions & information

Vacant lot registration information and instructions regarding fees, process, and requirements.

Registering a vacant lot - instructions & information

Vacant Lot Registration Requirements:

  • Every owner of a vacant lot in the City of Sacramento shall register that vacant lot with the city pursuant to Chapter 8.136.
  • Vacant lot owners must designate a local contact representative (LCR) with full authority to act on behalf of the owner for all purposes under this chapter, including the acceptance of service of all notices from the city. The owner may act as the LCR.
  • LCR must establish and maintain a local telephone number and a residence of business address within 35 miles of Sacramento City Hall.

Vacant Lot Registration Process:

  • Vacant lot owners must read Sacramento City Code Chapter 8.136 (Registration of Vacant Lots) available at the Vacant Lot page.
  • For parcels with different owner name and/or different spelling of owner name or owner with different addresses, owner will receive a separate notice. All parcels should be registered under one account.
  • Property owners can register all parcels online at www.citizenserve.com/Sacramento.
  • Incomplete forms will not be accepted or processed.
  • Failure to register may result in an administrative penalty. Unpaid administrative penalties are subject to a lien being placed against the property.
  • If you have any questions or need assistance registering your parcel(s), you can contact the Vacant Lot Program office at (916) 808-8038 or via email.


Vacant Lot Program Fee:

  • Annual Vacant Lot Program Fees: $70 per Parcel
  • Program fees are due when registration is submitted. Registration submitted without fees will not be accepted or processed.
  • For additional information about the program, please visit: The Vacant Lot page

Waiver of the Program Fee:

Sacramento City Code 8.136.080 provides the ability to waive the annual vacant lot program fee required in section 8.136.030 if the requirements below apply:

  1. The lot is not in violation of the Sacramento City Code
  2. The vacant lot is registered with the Community Development Department
  3. A waiver application was approved by the Community Development Department
  4. One of the following apply:

  • A structure is being constructed on the vacant lot under an active building permit
  • The vacant lot has a private community garden as defined in section 17.108.040;
  • The vacant lot is subject to a conservation easement, as defined in section 815.1 of the California Civil Code;
  • The vacant lot has a parking lot as defined in section 17.108.170;
  • The vacant lot is being used for general use agriculture, as defined in section 17.108.020;
  • The vacant lot is located on a parcel that was created within the past 24 months pursuant to division VIII of title 17;
  • The vacant lot is used as an extension of a primary parcel and meets all the following criteria

               a. The vacant lot abuts the primary parcel;    

               b. The vacant lot and the primary parcel have identical ownership;

               c. The primary parcel is not in violation of this code; or

  • There is an active Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone contract, pursuant to chapter 17.722, covering

A vacant lot program fee waiver is valid for only one year and the lot must be registered.

Please visit Citizen Serve to register your vacant lot and apply for waiver or download the waiver application here: Waiver of Program Fees Application.