Master Plan and Production Permit Automation

All production permit applications must be submitted electronically.

The City of Sacramento’s Building Division originally launched its online production home permit process in 2021. The simple two-part process allows applicants to apply for production home permit applications online and track their progress through the online Public Permit Portal.

How does the system work?

Part I: All Master Plan submissions must include completion of the following checklists:

Of importance, the options package tables within this application must also be included in the title sheet of the Master Plans under the project data summary section.

Part II: Once the Master Plans record is approved and completed as outlined in Part I, developers can apply for production permit applications online within a matter of minutes.

Virtual training opportunities

In May of 2021, staff hosted two online training sessions for home developers and permit processors wishing to learn more about the newly automated production permit system. Staff reviewed the benefits of the newly created automated features, submittal requirements, tracking submitted permit applications, departmental review timelines, approval notifications, and had a final segment for Q&A.

View recorded training session

Have questions about the automation and submittal process?

Please contact our Production Permit team by email at or by phone at 916-808-4777.