Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program

The Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP) was first introduced by the State of California in 2019 and initially authorized by AB 101.

HHAP is a block grant program designed to support regional coordination to address homelessness, with a focus on moving homeless individuals and families into permanent housing and ensuring their ability to maintain their permanent housing.

HHAP funding is distributed based on a set formula to 13 large cities (expanding to 14 with HHAP-4), all 58 counties, and all 44 continuums of care (CoCs) in the State.

Jurisdictions first received HHAP-1 funding in 2020. Since then, five additional rounds have been introduced, with the HHAP-6 Notice of Funding Availability expected by Jan. 31, 2025.