Office of Diversity and Equity Team and Work

Meet our team

Manager of Diversity and Equity
Aimée Zenzele Barnes (She/They)

Strategic Workforce Equity Analyst
Larissa Wohl (She/Her)
Focus: Workforce equity and the Race & Gender Equity Action Plan (RGEAP)

The City of Sacramento is a member of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), an organization of over 500 local and state level jurisdictions that are working to eliminate racial inequities in government. Current priorities include building the diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging capacity of City staff and infrastructure, achieving workforce equity through a racial equity lens, and engaging the City Council and Community in racial equity work.

City of Sacramento's racial equity statement

Adopted on Feb. 8, 2019 by the City of Sacramento GARE cohort

The City of Sacramento affirms racial equity as a core value in which race does not affect life outcomes. We acknowledge historical racial inequities and are committed to transparent, deliberate, and actionable solutions that will remedy those inequities and serve all our diverse communities.

Our work

ODE is focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work both internally and externally.

Workforce equity and Race & Gender Equity Action Plan

With the support of ODE, the City’s Race & Gender Equity Action Plan (2020-2025) guides department Equity Teams in identifying priority areas specific to their departments’ needs and challenges. In addition, ODE supports DEIB staff capacity building through ongoing training. Learn more on our Workforce Equity page

Sacramento Centered on Racial Equity (SCORE) Initiative and community guided work

ODE supports the emerging work of the Sacramento Centered on Racial Equity (SCORE) Initiative, which is an effort lead in partnership with the community Racial Equity Alliance and Committee and the Council’s Racial Equity Committee.

On December 3, 2024 the Sacramento City Council passed Resolution 2024-00354 affirming a commitment to racial equity work throughout the City. 

ODE collaborates and supports racial equity efforts throughout the City. Learn more on our Community Guided Work page

Additional work

ODE also provides guidance for employees on racial impact assessments, racial and gender equity analyses, strategic planning, and more. For inquiries or suggestions please email