Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)

WIOA (Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act) was signed into law on July 22, 2014, is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to success in the labor market and to match employers with skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. It is a strength-based, paid work experience program for quality high school seniors who are low-income and have at least one barrier. This program provides pre-employment and 21st-century skills training in addition to supportive services to participants who qualify as low-income and have a specific barrier (ex: pregnant and/or parenting, foster youth, unhoused, offender, ≤2.0 GPA or D or F in English or Math). These services may include tutoring, childcare, and counseling center referrals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the barriers that one must meet to be eligible to enroll in WIOA?

  • A high school junior (during the summer) or a high school senior for the current school year. 
  • Currently on track to graduate high school on time. 
  • Eligible for a work permit.
  • Low income.
  • Must meet ONE OR MORE of the following barriers: Basic skills deficient, English language learner, Offender, Foster care, Homeless, runaway, or out of home placement, Pregnant or parenting, Individual with a disability.

How do I apply to be in the program/Where can I get the application?

There are a couple of ways you can obtain and submit the application for the program. The most convenient method is to download the application directly from our website here. If you are unable to download and print the application, you can pick up a paper copy at our office located at the Belle Cooledge Community Center. Once you have completed the application, a staff member will review it and set up an appointment with you to discuss the next steps. Please ensure that your application is submitted along with the following documents to be considered valid:

  • School ID or California ID 
  • A copy of your social security card 
  • Your most recent school transcript 

What is the work experience plan?

The WIOA Work Experience is a planned and structured learning activity that takes place in a workplace setting for a limited period. This experience is designed to provide young people with hands-on experience and the opportunity to be hired or gain employable skills for future career advancement. During the school year, participants will have the chance to engage in job shadowing, where they can observe professionals or competent workers in action. Our program is a paid, employer-led experience, ensuring that participants not only gain valuable skills but also receive compensation for their work.

I am interested in hosting a youth for their work experience, how can I start the process?

If you are interested in becoming a job site for our program, please contact us via email Provide us with: Name, Location, Contact Information, and a staff person will contact you to see if your site would be a good match for the needs of our program participants.

Contact us

For additional information or questions, contact: Email: