Ray Eames Park

(Formely Crocker Village Park)

Crocker Drive and Donner Way near (Union Pacific Railroad Tracks)

Ray Eames Park Master Plan (2 page PDF)

The Crocker Village development is located south of Sutterville Road, at Donner Way and Crocker Drive. The neighborhood park site at Crocker Village is a 6.5-acre joint use detention basin/neighborhood park. The proposed Park Master Plan includes the following amenities: 1) an adventure area playground and adjacent turf area for free play, 2) small group picnic area with shade structure with three tables and a grill, 3) a seat wall with brick veneer, 4) concrete walkways, 5) a 3-acre open space turf area within the detention basin for field play, 6) enhanced paving entry, 6) 8’ wide pedestrian/ maintenance path, 7) low water-use irrigation and landscaping with large canopy shade trees, evergreen screening trees and ornamental flowering trees, 8) site furnishings, 9) drinking fountain, 10) bicycle parking, 11) park rules signs and park name sign, and 12) bollard lighting

City staff conducted significant community outreach for input on the park name in two separate phases and facilitated a public meeting on April 4. During Phase 1, staff gathered name suggestions by conducting a survey (via Survey Monkey) from April 30 to May 14. Letters and emails with name suggestions were also received during this period. A total of 16 name suggestions were received and were determined to be consistent with the City’s Facility Naming Policy. During Phase 2, staff placed the 16 proposed park names on a Survey Monkey ballot, which was open from May 15 to May 22. The survey explained that the top three voted names would be forwarded to the Parks and Community Enrichment Commission for review, and that per City Policy, the Commission would recommend one name to City Council for final approval with the proposed Park Master Plan.

On August 1, 2019, the Parks and Community Enrichment Commission selected Ray Eames Park as the recommended park name for the Crocker Village park site from the three-community vetted proposed park names: 1) Petrovich Family Park, 2) Ray Eames Park, and 3) Donald Irving Rivett Park. The City Council approve “Ray Eames Park” as the selected neighborhood park name along with the Master Plan for the park located in the Crocker Village development.

Ray Eames was a Sacramento native, and is one of the 20th century’s most influential and yet largely unknown artists. Ray along with her husband and equal business partner, Charles Eames, and the Eames Office, were responsible for groundbreaking contributions in modern architecture, furniture, films, toys, photography, textiles, exhibition design and the photographic arts. Bernice Alexander ”Ray” Kaiser was born in Sacramento in 1912 and lived in Curtis Park as a young woman. She graduated high school at Memorial Auditorium in 1931 and took classes at Sacramento City College. Ray broke barriers during an era of limited opportunities for women in the arts, design and architecture fields. Naming the new park after Ray Eames is an honor to her 60-year career and life's work in design, architecture and the photographic arts; Ray Eames influence continues to shape design today.

Ray Eames Park Completion Photos (PDF)

Park Details

