21st Avenue Parkway

21st Ave. median between 60th and 64th Streets, Sac CA 95820

Public Meeting

A public meeting was held on October 4, 2023, to ask the community to vote between two proposed park site plan options, shown below. The site plan options were designed with various park amenities suggested by the online community survey. The neighborhood park is planned on two sections of the street median, to provide needed parkland in the park-deficient East Broadway area. The proposed 21st Avenue Park is a 3.25-acre neighborhood park located on 21st Avenue between 60th and 64th Streets.

The community selected Park Site Plan Option 2 and their preferred park site plan. The community’s main concern was safety from the adjacent street traffic surrounding the street median. The community wanted paths in the renovated median for pedestrians and dog walking. They did not want a dog park or children’s playground, due to potential safety concerns from the adjacent street traffic. The community also wanted turf areas for passive recreation, drought-tolerant and native landscaping, and a pollinator garden.

21st Avenue Park Site Plan

The preferred Option 2 site plan has been revised to reflect the communities’ input from the public meeting. The park site plan, shown below, includes open turf areas, 6’ concrete walking and bicycle paths, table tennis, two cornhole games, park benches, individual and group picnic areas with regular and accessible tables, a pollinator garden with a 4’ wide decomposed granite path and interpretive signage, trash receptacles, bike racks, a drinking fountain, stormwater swales with groundwater rechange, bark mulch areas, low maintenance and drought tolerant landscaping, preservation of existing trees, additional native and drought tolerant deciduous, evergreen and accent flowering trees including native oaks, sycamores, and western redbuds.

The 21st Avenue Park Site plan will be presented to the Youth, Parks and Community Enrichment Commission on November 2, 2023. City Council is expected to review and approval of the park site plan in mid-December 2023. At this time there are no funds secured for improvements to the proposed park. Once the park site plan is approved, staff will seek potential funding opportunities, such as City or CDBG funding, or state and federal grants to improve the park.

21st Avenue Park Site Plan (Pdf)



Park Details


Fruitridge Broadway

