Parks & Community Enrichment Commission

Meetings are usually held at 5:30 p.m. during the first Thursday of each month. For more information about the PCEC, please contact Raymond Rodriguez at 808-1040 or

Powers and Duties

Per Section 2.62.030 - Powers and Duties of Commission, the powers and duties of the commission shall be as follows:

  • To provide recommendations and advice to the City Council and the Department of Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment on policies, projects, programs, and other matters pertaining to parks and community enrichment affecting the City of Sacramento. The matters upon which the Commission will provide recommendations and advice may be referred to the Commission by the City Council, the Director of Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment ("Director"), the community, or members of the Commission.
  • To review and provide recommendations on the development and implementation of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as an element of the City's General Plan.
  • To review complaints and other matters pertaining to parks and community enrichment issues as requested by the Director or the City Council.
  • To conduct an annual workshop to review the Department's annual operating budget and capital improvement plan.
  • To meet with neighborhood associations and park user groups to discuss parks and community enrichment issues and needs.
  • To encourage individuals, businesses, and community groups to contribute funds, property and volunteer services for the development and operation of parks and community enrichment facilities and programs.

Meetings and Agendas

Archived Meetings

Council District 1Odet
Council District 2Anthony
Council District 3Robbie
Council District 4Marc
Council District 5Lindsey
Council District 6Victoria
Council District 7Joe
Council District 8Jeanine

916 Day

Check back in 2024 for new information!

The 916 Day proclamation is spearheaded by the City of Sacramento Parks and Community Enrichment Commission to urge all Sacramentens to celebrate city parks as the cornerstone of our 916 Community.

Park Commissioners will host a series of beautification and service events across the City to promote volunteerism and partnerships at parks and green spaces to highlight how parks create a healthy, strong, and thriving community. The Parks Commissioners aim to recruit and bring together 916 volunteers across these events and enact “916 Day” events every year.

Also visit the City's Boards page for the Parks and Community Enrichment Commission.