Groundwater Well Replacement

The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities operates and maintains many active groundwater wells, which produce up to 20 percent of the City's drinking water.

Many of these wells are aging and will need to be replaced within the next 15 years.

The City will soon begin a groundwater well replacement program, based on a recently completed "Groundwater Master Plan," which provides a guide for using groundwater reserves to improve water supply reliability and diversify the City's water supply portfolio.

To proceed with the project, the City must complete a "Programmatic Environmental Impact Report" to meet State law known as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

An initial CEQA study and appendix are available.


  • Notice of Preparation
  • Appendix A - Well Facilities Sites
  • Appendix B - CalEEMod Sheets
  • Appendix C - Biological Resources Tech Report
  • Notice of Availability
  • Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
  • Draft EIR Appendices
  • Public Scoping Meeting - April 2022


Scott Johnson, Senior Planner
Community Development Department
300 Richards Blvd., Third Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811