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Use your address to find your FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone.
These maps will show you what areas of the City are considered "Special Flood Hazard Areas" and qualify for "standard" flood insurance.
For assistance in determining your insurance needs, contact 916-808-5061 of email us at
The City of Sacramento has prepared detailed maps showing hypothetical levee breaks for a 200-year flood event. These maps estimate the inundation levels and the time it would take for waters to rise in affected neighborhoods, and rescue and evacuation zones after 7 days without mitigation.
Visit the Evacuation Maps webpage for additional information.
This map shows the floodplain area for a 100-year flood.
100-year floodplain map. Click on the arrow button to the right to expand.
Shows what the levels of flooding in the City of Sacramento would be if there were no levees to protect us.
This map shows the ultimate depth of water for areas within City limits if there were nothing to protect the area or if nothing was done to stop flooding.
Ultimate flood depths map. Click on the arrow button to the right to expand.
Shows areas in Sacramento dependent on levees.
This map does not show depth of the flooding, but will show areas vulnerable to flooding because they rely on levees to protect them.
Areas dependent on levees map. Click on the arrow button to the right to expand.