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Commercial Plan Check - Fee Information - 01/22/25 to 06/30/25
Call 916-808-7890 for Department of Utilities development-related fee questions.
Fees are subject to change every July 1 or at any time.
For current fees visit the City's Fee and Charge Database.
Full Cost Recovery ($205 per hour; non-refundable 2-hour deposit required for commercial plan reviews)
Grading Permit:
Site Acreage (Min) | Site Acreage (Max) | Fee |
0 | 0.99 | $100 |
1 | 1.99 | $200 |
2 | 4.99 | $500 |
5 | 9.99 | $800 |
10 | -- | $1,500 |
Commercial/MFR Building Permit:
Building Sq. Footage (Min) | Building Sq. Footage (Max) | Fees (Fixed) |
0 | 4,999 | $50 |
5,000 | 9,999 | $100 |
10,000 | 19,999 | $200 |
20,000 | 49,999 | $500 |
50,000 | -- | $1,000 |
Domestic and Irrigation Water Services:
Meter Size | Fee |
¾″ meter | $7,621.96 |
1″ meter | $8,488.89 |
1 ¼″ meter | $12,682.45 |
1 ½″ meter | $16,854.50 |
2″ meter | $28,742.37 |
3″ meter | $67,752.25 |
4″ meter | $131,154.56 |
6″ meter | $256,623.52 |
8″ meter | $473,784.46 |
10″ meter | $946,506.73 |
*Water Development Fee credit is given for existing water service connections. No Water Development Fee for fire service connections
Standalone fire services do not require meters.
Size | Easement Tap* | Meter** |
1″ | $2,208 | $723 |
1 ½″ | $2,549 | $1,040 |
2″ | $3,014 | $1,367 |
3″ | N/A | $3,462 |
4″ | $3,805 | $4,503 |
6″ | $4,112 | $6,605 |
8″ | $5,133 | $8,647 |
10″ | $6,062 | $8,470 |
12″ | $8,112 | $9,209 |
*4” and larger water service connections - Contractor excavates and exposes water main for City to install tap and gate valve. Contractor installs water service connection from main line to the point of service, backfills trench and restores pavement. Incidental work such as encroachment permit & traffic control is the Contractor’s responsibility.
*2” and smaller water service connections - Contractor excavates and exposes water main for City to install a tap, corporation stop, water pipe from main to point of service and meter box. Contractor backfills trench and restores pavement. Incidental work such as encroachment permit & traffic control is the Contractor’s responsibility.
**1” to 2” Meters: City removes idler, provides and installs meter.
**Meters 3” and Larger: City provides meter to contractor for installation
*City crews will cut service on customer side of curb stop
*Only for 1” landlocked services, includes abandonment of existing service and installation of new full service tap, and meter (includes yoke, box & fittings). Applicant is responsible for obtaining any required easements and for routing their service to the new meter box location.
Drainage Basin Type | Fee Amount |
Combined Sewer Service Area | $2.72 per sq. ft. of increased imperviousness (Offset by the Combined Sewer Service Area Sewer Development Fee) |
Pumped Basin* | $0.12 per sq. ft. of increased imperviousness |
Gravity Basin* | $0.08 per sq. ft. of increased imperviousness |
*Applies to areas of the Combined Sewer System with separated City drainage basins.
A. Combined Sewer Service Area:
Development Size | Fee Amount |
First 25 ESDs | $3,955.14 per each ESD |
26 or more ESDs | $6,084.38 per each ESD exceeding 25 |
B. Sewer Development Fee Service Area:
Development Size | Fee Amount |
Based on ESDs | $1,752.60 per each ESD |
Service Size | Easement Tap* |
4" | $1,781 |
6" | $1,781 |
8" | $1,935 |
10" | $2,370 |
12" | $1,486 |
14" | N/A |
*Contractor excavates and exposes the sewer line for the City to install a sewer tap.
Contractor then installs sewer service connection from main line to the point of service, backfills trench and restores pavement.
Incidental work such as encroachment permit & traffic control is the Contractor’s responsibility
Sacramento Area Sewer District (SASD)
10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA 95827
Administration – (916)-876-6000
Permit Services – (916)-876-6100