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Credit Ratings

Municipal credit ratings are opinions of the investment quality of issuers and issues in the markets. The municipal bond market has slightly different rating criteria from the corporate debt market owing to the unique characteristics inherent in public debt. Municipal debt ratings are viewed in relation to the general state of the agency, local, regional, state and national economy, debt levels and mix, revenue and expense cash flows, and the issuer’s management strategies.

Credit rating agencies provide an independent appraisal of the credit quality and likelihood of timely repayment of a bond issue. Investors rely upon the credit quality judgment made by the credit rating agencies, expressed as a credit rating. While a credit rating is an important factor in determining the interest rate on bonds relative to other issues sold at the same time, bonds are not legally required to be rated.

Issuer credit rating

City of Sacramento issuer credit rating

Rating agency Rating Outlook Last action Date Report*
Standard and Poor's AA Stable Upgraded 03/02/20 Download
Moody's Aa2 Stable Affirmed 11/21/22 Download
Fitch Ratings AA+ Stable Upgraded 06/25/24

Click the gray slide bar above to view the full table information.

*Issuer Credit Rating information may be included as part of an issue-specific report

Issue-specific ratings

Credit Ratings Summary Table