Conflict of Interest Filings- Form 700
Conflict of interest code
As required by the Political Reform Act (Gov. Code, § 81000 et seq.), the City of Sacramento has adopted a conflict of interest code, which designates positions required to file a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 and assigns disclosure categories specifying the types of interests to be reported. As part of the code, Consultants that perform work on behalf of the City of Sacramento are required to file a Statement of Economic Interest- Form 700.
Statement of economic interests- Form 700
The Political Reform Act requires certain public officials, city employees and consultants that perform work on behalf of the City of Sacramento to disclose their personal financial information on a Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, so the public may review that information and be knowledgeable that the official is not using his/her decision making authority to affect his/her personal financial interests. The financial disclosure obligations are set forth in the Political Reform Act, which requires officials in these positions to file a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 no later than April 30th of each year. A Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 is also filed when the official takes office (assuming statement) and leaves office (leaving statement).
Adding and Removing Form 700 Filers
Consultants, or their identified staff, that perform financial consulting services on behalf of the City of Sacramento, through a city department, such as the Office of the City Treasurer, are required to notify the city when they begin or stop working on city projects. When a consultant begins working on city projects they will need to be added to the electronic filing system, known as Netfile. The consultant will be notified with an email link to file an "Assuming Office Statement" that will have to be completed within 30 days of the notification. The consultant will file annual statements each April for the duration of time they work on city projects. When a consultant stops working on city projects or leaves their employer, the are required to file a "Leaving Office Statement" and will be notified with an email link to file the statement when their status has been changed in their Netfile profile.
Consultants are required to notify the City of Sacramento of any changes to their filers including when new staff is added, current filers are no longer working on city project thereby, no longer required to file a Form 700, or when staff leaves their employer.
To facilitate communication of these changes in a timely manner, please complete the Form 700 Add or Remove Request Form and submit by email to initiate processing the request. Form 700 filing is time sensitive and there are fines associated with not completing required filings by the deadline.
If you have any questions related to completion of the Form 700 Add or Remove Request Form please submit an email to
If you have questions about Conflict of Interest filing requirements, have issues with loggin into Netfile or questions about the financial disclosures required, please refer to the Office of the City Clerk's webpage as they are the department within the city that manages the filing of financial disclosure forms for Netfile.