Vision Zero: Transportation Safety

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Sacramento is a Vision Zero City. What does this mean?

Sacramento is a Vision Zero City. What does this mean? Vision Zero is a traffic safety philosophy that rejects the notion that traffic crashes are simply “accidents,” but instead preventable incidents that can and must be systematically addressed. Through Vision Zero, the City of Sacramento and its partners are committed to working together to create safer streets.

What is Sacramento doing to accomplish its goals around vision zero?

On January 19, 2017, City Council adopted a resolution adopting the follow goal:

The City of Sacramento will work collaboratively in a data-driven effort to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2027.

In 2018, City Council adopted the Vision Zero Action Plan through Resolution R2018-0342 identifying those roads with the highest number of injuries and fatalities as “high injury network.” It also includes over 40 actions to address transportation safety. The City has made significant progress on Vision Zero. See our Summer 2023 update to learn about progress on Vision Zero actions.

Vision Zero Crash Dashboard

View and explore the City of Sacramento Vision Zero Crash Dashboard. This interactive map and dashboard allow users to view crash data based on attributes and factors contributed to crashes in the city of Sacramento.

The Sacramento Vision Zero effort is a data-driven process informed by where, how, and why crashes are occurring, as well as by information about the context surrounding the crash. Having this dashboard allows us to identify areas where investment can reduce severe and fatal crashes.

For the best performance, please use a laptop or desktop computer to view the dashboard.

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