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The City of Sacramento is undertaking an engineering feasibility study for a new multi-modal bridge across the lower American River between Truxel Road and Sequoia Pacific Boulevard to better connect North and South Natomas with the Central City.
In 2013 the City of Sacramento completed the American River crossings alternatives study, and City Council adopted the vision for a new multi-modal crossing at Truxel Road as the preferred alignment. The Truxel Bridge alignment was chosen based on its ability to address limited connectivity across the lower American River which creates a barrier to economic activity, land use development, social exchanges and access to jobs within the Central City by communities just north of the river including South Natomas and North Natomas where a significant portion of Sacramento City residents live, and a considerable amount of residential growth is planned.
Currently, there is a lack of direct multi-modal crossings over the American River, which discourages alternative modes of travel besides driving, therefore resulting in higher greenhouse gas emissions, higher vehicle miles traveled (VMT) due to longer trips, inefficient routes for transit services, and reduced public health and air quality. Additionally, this limited connectivity leads to longer emergency response times and can hinder evacuation during future natural disasters.
The purpose of the study is to refine the adopted alternative for the new bridge by conducting an inclusive public outreach and engagement process in collaboration with the detailed engineering and environmental analysis. The neighboring communities, including the priority populations who have been historically under-represented, as well as the larger public will be engaged through community-based engagement to ensure the bridge fits within the context of the existing communities and serves the needs of the community. The project team will gather feedback on bridge configuration concepts, constraints analysis and design drawings. A few of the key elements that will require stakeholder input include avoidance of known constraints, minimizing impacts to the Lower American River and associated wildlife, configuration of right-of-way on the bridge for all modes of travel, and connections to existing bicycle and pedestrian pathways.
A new crossing at Truxel Road will have several community benefits including:
The Conceptual Plan for the Truxel Bridge is being funded by a Caltrans Sustainability grant obtained by the City of Sacramento in partnership with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) and supplemented by local funds from the Sacramento Regional Transit District and developer fees. The overall cost of the Truxel Bridge, which is expected to exceed $500 million, is anticipated to be funded through a combination of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and other federal funds, the Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) and other state funds, and a variety of local funding sources, including a future transportation sales tax and developer impact fees.
The Truxel Bridge Concept and Feasibility Study includes a robust community engagement program to involve the community throughout the process and obtain input at key touchpoints.
Community Open House – November 13, 2024
As the feasibility study approaches completion, the community was invited to hear from the City about some of the study conclusions and next steps for the project and share their thoughts.
Stakeholder Focus Group Meeting – April 9, 2024
On April 9, the Truxel Bridge project team held a stakeholder focus group meeting with 10 representatives from partner organizations and agencies to gather feedback on the revised options for bridge cross sections and mix of uses.
Online Community Questionnaire – February 2024
The online questionnaire is now closed.
Community conversation – January 10, 2024
Our first community conversation was held on January 10 from 5:30 at the Read Academy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the project be built if there are environmental impacts identified?
Yes; most projects have some level of impact to the environment, but it is critical that environmental impacts are identified, disclosed to the public, and minimized. The Truxel Road Bridge project will go through an environmental clearance process which consists of identifying, documenting, analyzing, and mitigating impacts to sensitive environmental resources. The City of Sacramento will be the lead agency for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process. The objective of CEQA is to disclose to decision makers and the public the environmental effects of proposed activities. The Truxel Road Bridge CEQA document would discuss impacts to environmental resources and would contain mitigation measures that either avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts. The draft CEQA document would be circulated, allowing the public to review and comment. The final CEQA document would contain responses to comments received, and after considering the final EIR, the City of Sacramento may decide whether or how to approve or carry out the project. During and following the environmental document, various permits and approvals would need to be secured from many regional, state, and federal regulatory agencies that are responsible for overseeing laws that protect resources. These regulatory agencies will enforce additional avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures associated with environmental impacts of the project.
Can a different bridge location be considered as one of the alternatives?
After the need for an American River bridge crossing was identified, the City of Sacramento completed the American River Crossing Alternatives Study. This study evaluated eight (8) different bridge locations to cross the American River between Jibboom Street and State Route 160, with the goal of connecting Sacramento’s Central City and South Natomas. In 2013, the Truxel Road alignment (between Truxel Road/Garden Highway and Sequoia Pacific Boulevard) was selected as the preferred alternative for a new all-modes crossing of the Lower American River because it best met the specific objectives of the study. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements to the I-5 bridge and reconfiguring the Northgate/I-5 interchange were also adopted for further consideration. Council approved the application and award of grant funding from Caltrans to advance the design options for this specific crossing location. A bridge in the Truxel location is also consistent with the adopted crossing location for the future Sacramento Regional Transit light rail extension from the Central City, the American River Parkway Plan, the City of Sacramento’s 2035 General Plan, and numerous Specific Plans.
Will the environmental document require consideration of multiple alternatives?
At this time, it is anticipated that the project’s CEQA document will be an Environmental Impact Report. The City will be responsible for selecting feasible project alternatives that accomplish the project’s objectives and that also may avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental effects. Once the initial environmental analysis has progressed, the City will determine which, if any, additional build alternatives should be included in the EIR to foster informed decision making and public participation.
Can a bridge without cars be considered as one of the alternatives?
At this time, the project addresses the need for a local jurisdiction multi-modal crossing of the lower American River which has been established in the Sacramento General Plan and recognized in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy 2035, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, 2012. Some of the key objectives of the proposed project include:
If a bridge without cars is considered as an alternative, it would not accomplish most of the project’s basic objectives.
Project-related documents for download.
Fedolia “Sparky” Harris, Project Manager
(916) 808-2996