Construction & Demolition Recycling

Construction & demolition debris recycling - 65% diversion required

All demolition projects, projects covered by CALGreen and building permits require and C&D Permit which mandates that 65% of all debris generated during the course of a project be recycled. 

Changes coming to the City’s C&D program

Starting in June 2025, the City will be using Green Halo to review and approve all Waste Management Plans and Waste Logs. Green Halo is an online system that allows contractors and project managers to identify local recycling facilities and waste haulers for their construction and demolition (C&D) project, track their project’s waste diversion rate, and store all recycling receipts to assist permittees in meeting California’s Green Building Standards. Permit applicants with a Waste Management Plan condition will submit their Waste Management Plan and Waste Log online through the City’s Green Halo portal instead of completing and emailing the current PDF forms.

Certain construction projects and all demolition/wrecking projects are required to submit a Waste Management Plan as a condition of permit issuance and submit a Waste Log with accompanying recycling facility tickets/receipts at the end of the project to demonstrate that 65% of the waste was diverted. When Green Halo comes into effect, you will receive an email from Green Halo notifying you a Waste Management Plan is required and has been started for you, with instructions on how to set-up your Green Halo user account and submit your Waste Management Plan. After your Waste Management Plan is reviewed and approved, you will be notified and be provided instruction on how to keep an online Waste Log by uploading your recycling facility tickets/receipts in Green Halo. When your project is complete, you will submit the Waste Log online for review and approval in Green Halo.

*Please do not submit any projects using Green Halo unless you’ve received an email from Green Halo notifying you a Waste Management Plan is required with a link to your Plan.*

crane grabbing construction debris open_in_full

How do I comply?

  • Step 1: Fill out WMP. Fill out the Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plan (WMP). Please call C&D at (916) 808-0965 if you have questions.
  • Step 2: Submit WMP. Submit the completed Waste Management Plan by:
         • Email: C&
         • Fax: (916) 808-4999 
  • Step 3: Approval. Recycling & Solid Waste (RSW) will review for approval. Approved WMP’s will be signed, marked approved and returned to you. 
  • Step 4: Record loads over course of project. All waste hauling and disposal or recycling activity must be entered on the Waste Log, including information from any subcontractors who self-hauled their own debris off-site. Use the waste log to record all loads, keeping a copy of the weight tickets and receipts indicating the material was recycled. 
  • Step 5: Submit Waste Log. Due 30 days after project completion. Submit the completed Waste Log with a copy of the weight tickets or facility report within 30 days of project completion by:
         • Email: C&
         • Fax: (916) 808-4999

Please note: Overdue waste logs will delay future waste management plan approvals and may result in a fine. Failure to meet the mandated 65% diversion rate required by local and state law may result in a fine.

Projects that must recycle debris

  • All projects designated as CALGreen, Demolition and New Construction
    Exemptions: Detached residential garages, residential in-ground pools, residential prefabricated structures (sheds, etc.) Commercial projects are not exempt.
  • All Demolition Permits – structural demolition (down to the ground), interior demolition
    Exemption: Demolitions due to fire damage to correct an unsafe situation. A report from City Fire or Code Enforcement verifying the fire is necessary to receive this exemption. Remodeling due to fire damage is not exempt.
  • Any construction permit job value of $200,000 or more is required to recycle debris. Valuation is determined by the City Community Development Department.

Fees & fines

The administration fee is 0.04% of the job valuation or a minimum of $40. This fee is collected on the Building Permit and is due prior to permit issuance.

  • Minimum Fee: $40 
  • Maximum Fee: $800

Recycling & Solid Waste will not approve the next waste management plan until all pending waste logs are submitted and approved. This may also result in a fine and a deposit requirement for future applications.

Fines for late waste logs:

  • $50-$250 for first offense 
  • $251-$500 for second offense 
  • $501-$1500 for subsequent offenses 

1% of project valuation (max $10,000), due with fee when applying. Only applicable if permit applicant has been fined in past 12 months.