Special Event Waste Management

sunset at festival with people milling around open_in_full

City permits for special events with a combined attendance, including staff, vendor and volunteers, of 500+ require a waste managment plan as part of the permit approval process. For events that have 2000+ attendees, and charge for admission or participation, a post-event report of waste diversion is required. 

The Recycling and Solid Waste Division will review the waste plan to ensure the amount of service complies with State and local laws, is sufficient to keep the event space clear of overflow and that containers for all required waste streams are easily accessible.

Waste plans are due 30 days in advance of your event. Event permits will not be issued until your waste plan is approved by RSW.  Post-event reports are due 60 days after the event is over. 

Special Event Waste Plan Fillable Form for Download (PDF)

  • Note: Remember to download the fillable PDF template to your local device prior to completing. 

Special Event Waste Requirements for Download

Post-event Diversion Report for Download


Requirements for Event Organizers

The event permit holder is solely responsible for

  • Arranging for collection services sufficient for the type and size of the event 
  • Placement of the containers at the event  
  • Event staffing to manage the waste 
  • All waste containers at the event must comply with the State's signage and color mandates
  • Servicing containers during an event with sufficient frequency to avoid overflowing of containers 
  • Replacing of container bags during the event 
  • Keeping containers unobstructed for the franchised waste hauler to service 
  • Removal of all containers following completion of the event.
graphic if family bbq open_in_full

Food Trucks and Mobile Food Vendor Info

If food vendors wil be present at an event, they're only required to provide waste collection containers in the immediate vicinity of their location. Event Organizers are still required to provide organic containers for an event as a whole. Containers for the collection of organic waste must be placed in all areas where food is prepared, served, and consumed. More information on mobile food vending and waste is available on this page. 

Tips for Submitting a Valid Waste Management Plan

  1. Review the Special Events Waste Requirements document, and information on this website.
  2. Choose the service options for your event and and provide proof. 
  3. If using a private hauler - the most common choice for services -  you must choose one approved by the City (a franchised hauler).
  4. Provide a map of the event which clearly shows the location of all garbage, recycling and organics receptacles at the event, both the containers the public will use as well as any large dumpsters that will be used. 


Staff assisting customer on the phone and using a computer station open_in_full

Assistance Available

City staff are happy to meet with event organizers in advance of the waste plan submission to answer questions and provide advice on best practices. Contact us at wastecompliance@cityofsacramento.org or 916-808-4846. 


These requirements are based on State law and Sacramento City Code 13.24.460.  Failure to meet the requirements of special event waste management  may lead to a permit not being issued for the special event; not allowing a permit to be issued to the event organizer for any subsequent event and/or citations with possible fines attached. The City reserves the right to inspect any event site for compliance with Sacramento City Code 13.24.460.