Leaf Season November December January open_in_full

Leaf Season collection begins November 3, 2025 and ends February 1, 2026.

What is leaf season?

Every year during November through January, residents who receive solid waste collection from the City of Sacramento can place excess yard waste in piles on the street for collection. This service is only for customers with properties on public streets. 

Leaf season schedule

The claw will make multiple collections on each street during leaf season. Starting late October 2024, you can use the SacRecycle Collection Calendar or SacRecycle app to receive an estimate of the next collection date.

In the early part of the season, time between collections may be shorter. As leaf drop volume grows, and if wind and rainstorms occur, it can take crews longer rotate through the entire city. When customers consistently use their container along with the pile, streets are cleaner faster and more parking is available.

Always fill your container first as weekly collection will continue. The schedule is updated daily based on volume of yard waste from the previous day, weather conditions and equipment availability.

Check the calendar frequently since collection dates change often. Crews work rain or shine, including holidays.

Leaf pile and smiling bin graphic with smiling leaves on the ground and jumping into bin open_in_full

Graphic of bin and leaves

Weekly container pickup

Containers are collected 13 times during leaf season but the claw only comes 7 times. open_in_full

Weekly residential organic waste container collection will continue year-round on a customer's usual collection day.

How to prepare your yard waste

Fill your container, then make a neat pile with the excess yard waste open_in_full

Graphic of green bin filled with leaves next to leaf pile

leaf pile in street with graphic of a red letter x on pile open_in_full

Follow the guidelines for making a leaf pile

Leaf season pile guidelines

  • Piles should be no more than five cubic yards in size (4' X 4' X 9' pile)
  • Limbs must be cut to 3' (three feet) or less in length and no more than 4" (four inches) in diameter.
  • Place the pile 6' (six feet) from any obstruction (cars, boats, basketball hoops etc.) 
  • Make sure there is space between the curb and pile to allow water to flow to storm drains. 
  • When possible, avoid placing piles in bike lanes. 
  •  Do not put food waste in the yard waste pile. Food waste goes into the organics container. 
  • Do not put pet waste in any yard waste pile or container. Pet waste goes into the garbage container. 
  • Piles should not be in plastic bags. No organic waste or recycling should ever be put in plastic bags. 
  • Holiday Trees are accepted in piles (remove any plastic, glass or metal decor) 

Leaf season

Leaf season instruction for the 2024-2025 season

Temporada de hojas

Informacion sobre la temporada de hojas