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Payment plans for registered owners qualifying as indigent persons under GOV 68632 are available and are subject to program eligibility requirements pursuant to California Vehicle Code 40220 and California Vehicle Code 40220.5.
Failure to pay a parking citation may result in a hold on the vehicle's DMV registration for any upcoming registration renewal date.
Citations issued on or after 7/1/2018 | Citations issued before 7/1/2018 |
Application must be submitted within 120 calendar days of citation issue date or 10 calendar days after an Administrative Hearing (whichever is later) | Application may be submitted at any time, however this option expires January 1, 2027 |
Total citation fines and fees owed must be $500 or less (not including late fees and penalty assessments). CA VEH section 40220(a)(1)(A) | Total citation fines and fees owed must be $500 or less* (not including late fees and penalty assessments). *CA VEH section 40220.5(c) provides that amounts must be $300 or less. However, the City of Sacramento will process total amounts up to $500 . |
To apply for an Indigent Person Payment Plan, please click on the scheduling link below.
A confirmation email with your appointment information will be sent to the email address provided. Prior to your scheduled appointment, a representative will contact you with detailed information and instructions to prepare you for your visit.
Please ensure the correct email address is entered. Check spam or junk email folders to ensure receipt of all communications. The sender will appear as, "City of Sacramento, Revenue Division".
Choose a date and time for payment plan application appointment
Definition of public benefits and program eligibility for payment plan
State law regulating citation payments and payment plans
State law providing for Indigent Person Payment plans
Qualifying households are at or below 200% guideline levels
View phone and office hours
Examples of required documentation and household incomes for payment plan
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