
Parking Citation Services

Information and payment options for parking citations


Parking citations may be paid online, by phone, in-person, or by mail. No court appearance is required to pay or contest a citation in the city of Sacramento. Citations placed on contest do not require a deposit or payment unless the citation review upholds the citation. Fees are placed on hold until a citation review is completed. Payment plans are available to qualifying registered vehicle owners.

Sacramento County citations

Pay Sacramento County parking citation

The Revenue Services Division also processes payments for parking citations issued by Sacramento County. 

Please review the name of the issuing agency on your citation to ensure you are accessing the portal of the correct agency.  

Sacramento County payment portal

online citation services

Payment or citation contests must be submitted within 21 days from citation issue date.

other payment options

Payment or citation contests must be submitted within 21 calendar days from citation issue date.

  • Pay by phone

    Call 1-888-266-1314 (IVR phone)

    Please have the citation number (issue number) and a credit/debit card ready to pay. 

  • Pay by mail

    Check or money order payable to: City of Sacramento 


    Revenue Services
    P.O. Box 2551
    Sacramento, CA 95812-2551

  • Pay or submit contest form in person

    Revenue Division
    New City Hall

    915 I Street, Room 1214
    Sacramento, CA 95814

    Drop box available in lobby or outside on H St.

    Revenue Division Counter Hours
  • Contest citation by mail

    Mail contest and supporting documentation to: 

    Revenue Division
    915 I Street, Room 1214
    Sacramento, CA 95814


    View what should be included in a mailed contest

the contest process

Court appearances are not involved for citation contests. No payment is required to contest

citation resources