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Program terms and fees apply to many applications. Please ensure terms and fees are understood prior to submitting any application.
Permits for parking on the street
Pay or contest parking citations within 21 days from the citation issue date
Apply for or renew Vehicle ePermit, Visitor placard, or temporary placard
On-street permit to park in designated locations after 4:30 p.m. for work
For commercial construction projects and special projects and special events
Allows commercial work vehicles parking at construction sites
Alley parking permits for commercial service vehicles
Permits required for valet operations on the street
Allows up to 30 minutes of alley parking for non-commercial delivery vehicles
Street permits for car share operators
For authorized school site administrators to purchase employee street parking
For authorized businesses to purchase employee street parking
For authorized media vehicles to park on the street
Permits for parking in garages and parking lots
For Memorial, City Hall, Capitol, Tower, and Old Sacramento garages
Enter contact information to be notified when spaces are available
Submit this form for monthly account cancellations or to update information
Permits for daily parking in City-owned garages
Reserve parking online at discounted rates for daily parking
For new participants to apply for DEPP, PTEP, or AMCO discount permit
Upload DEPP or PTEP application for new permit or renew current permit here
Permits and lease opportunities for local businesses
Application for business to join Merchant Validation Program
For pre-approved merchants to purchase validations in bulk
Inquire about available lease spaces located on the first floor of City garages
For authorized businesses to purchase employee street parking
Meter receipts, payment forms, and refund requests
Form required to request refunds of any parking fees
Receipts for payments made at single-space meters on the street
To pay for services using credit card. For security reasons, please do not email