Ninos Parkway Phase 2

Project description

The project will complete a multi-use trail linking residential neighborhoods to neighborhood schools. The current Ninos Parkway (Trail) ends at San Juan Road, this project will extend the trail to Citrusparke Avenue/Parkchannel Way in the Parkebidge Development though the existing power transmission line corridor.


Construction of a fully accessible paved multi-use trail, 12-foot wide with walkable shoulders, approximately half-mile long. Construction of new pedestrian traffic signal, including accessible curb ramps, center refuge island, and crosswalk at San Juan Road. The new signal will tie into the existing signal network to allow better efficiency. Construction of a new box culvert will cross the San Juan drainage ditch at the north end of the trail. Two traffic speed feedback signs will be installed along San Juan Road to help drivers manage their speed around the road curve.

Costs and funding

The estimated total project cost is $2.5 million.


Construction is scheduled to begin in Summer 2024 with completion in Fall 2024.


Avtar Banwait, Assistant Civil Engineer
Office: 916-808-6805