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Sacramento is increasing the availability, efficiency, and appeal of walking, biking, and public transit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and quality of life.
The City is committed to developing a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation network that minimizes impacts to the environment and neighborhoods.
Multi-modal transportation networks include safe and comfortable infrastructure for walking, bicycling, rolling, taking transit, and driving.
Sacramento's active transportation plan to improve walking, biking, and rolling
A community-centered planning effort to prioritize transportation investments
Planning for the City’s future multi-modal transportation needs
Learn about projects in design, construction, or recent completion
The City's Transportation Infrastructure Adaptation Plan
New EV charging stations, e-trike loaners, EV carshare, and more
Extensive investments and partnerships to make SVS a multimodal hub
Find sustainable mobility options that are affordable, convenient, and fit your lifestyle.
Go green and save time through smart commuting during peak hour congestion
Learn about walking and biking, plus free classes for urban bicycling / scooting
Skip the car and take SacRT transit - students under 18 ride free!
If you have to drive, check out all-electric options
Provide your input on multi-modal planning projects