Buildings and Energy

Energy is an essential part of our everyday lives, from the lights that illuminate our homes to the machines and computers that facilitate our work. We can significantly reduce energy demand by increasing energy efficiency in existing and new buildings, generating renewable energy, and making choices that conserve energy.

Building electrification -- or the process of replacing natural gas-powered appliances (e.g., water heaters and furnaces) with electric heat pump appliances -- is a significant opportunity for the reduction of GHG emissions and pollution. As more buildings become all-electric and SMUD works toward their commitment of 100% zero-carbon emissions in the power supply by 2030, we get closer to 100% zero-carbon buildings.

Pipes and tanks for interior building plumbing open_in_full

What's the City doing for building energy efficiency and electrification?

The City is taking a multi-faceted approach, bringing in new technology and retrofitting old equipment and buildings. We are prioritizing electrification, affordable housing, clean renewable energy, and energy reductions.

What can I do for building energy efficiency and electrification?

Save money by saving energy. Take meaningful actions at home—big or small.