Adaptation and Resilience
The City of Sacramento is committed to a more livable future by taking action now through climate mitigation efforts. Increased frequency of heat and extreme storms, public health risks, increased flood risk, and changes to the water system are being addressed through Sacramento’s adaptation and resilience efforts.

What's the City doing for climate adaptation and resilience?
The City is creating a community that is resilient to the impacts of climate change through the development of long-range strategies and plans that guide policy, project and program implementation.
City’s approach to maintaining and growing the urban forest
The City's Transportation Infrastructure Adaptation Plan
Goals and strategies for Sacramento's parks and green spaces
The policy guide and "blueprint" for Sacramento's future development
What can I do for climate adaptation and resilience?
You, your home, and your place of work, school, or business are all crucial parts for our community to achieve our adaptation and resiliency goals. Learn how small, yet impactful, changes can make a difference.
Insulate your attic and improve your home’s energy efficiency
Learn about solar and battery storage for your home
Install a low-water use landscape and irrigation system
Have an emergency plan for your household and your business
Plant shade trees around your home to save energy in the summer
Explore floodplain maps and flood preparedness resources