Commendation Awards

Each year, the Sacramento Police Department proudly recognizes its employees who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve our community. Personnel receiving awards have exhibited bravery and dedication beyond that which is expected.
The criteria are as follows:
Gold Medal of Valor
This medal shall be awarded only in exceptional cases when a hazardous act is performed by employees who risk their lives. The act must be of such extraordinary nature that the employees expose themselves to peril above and beyond the call of duty.
Silver Medal of Valor
This medal shall be awarded for outstanding service and conspicuous bravery in the line of duty. This award would be considered when the circumstances do not fall within the provisions required for a Gold Medal of Valor.
Bronze Medal of Valor
This medal shall be awarded for bravery in the line of duty when the circumstances do not fall within the provisions required for a Gold or Silver Medal of Valor; however, bravery was of such a magnitude that the recipient is worthy of the Bronze Medal of Valor.
Purple Heart Award
This medal shall be awarded when employees sustain a serious wound or great bodily injury by a hostile person.
Life Saving Award
This medal shall be awarded to employees who were directly responsible for the saving of a human life or for the performance of emergency medical aid to prolong a human life.
Distinguished Service Award
This medal shall be awarded to personnel who have performed effective, efficient, and valuable service to the department. Such service may be a specific instance or it may be an outstanding performance of general duties over an extended period of time.
Community Guardian Award
This medal shall be awarded to employees who, under the threat of imminent and significant great bodily injury to themselves, other officers, or community members, courageously undertook specific actions that directly and peacefully de-escalated a significant situation that likely would have resulted in an officer involved shooting, or other significant use of force.
Excellence in Empathy Award
This medal shall be awarded to personnel who have demonstrated remarkable acts of empathy, which could be demonstrated by: a. Engaging in significant act(s) of selfless service to members of our Department or community. b. Displaying extraordinary levels of professionalism during extremely difficult and adverse conditions in which the employee’s actions reflected positively on the community and our Department.
Community Safety Excellence Award
This medal shall be awarded to employees who have courageously performed their most hazardous duties in the most efficient and effective manner thus preventing great bodily injury or death to individuals. This award is to be differentiated from others in that it does not require the employee to be at risk of immediate physical harm.