Sacramento Police Academy

The Sacramento Police Department is currently administering the P.O.S.T. Certified Basic Academy twice a year with starting dates in January and July. The academy accepts Police Recruits that have successfully completed the Sacramento Police Department hiring process and those sponsored by other law enforcement agencies. Upon successfully completing the Academy, graduates will receive a Certificate of Completion for the P.O.S.T. Certified Basic Academy Course.

We are also accepting applications for non-affiliated recruits. The non-affiliated recruit position is for individuals who are interested in a career in law enforcement, but who have not been hired or sponsored by an agency. Upon successfully completing the Academy, graduates will receive a Certificate of Completion for the P.O.S.T. Certified Basic Academy Course. This certification makes you eligible for employment by any agency within the State of California.

The Sacramento Police Academy is a P.O.S.T. intensive format and is 24 weeks in length. It is generally a 4-10 work week (four days per week, ten hours per day), for a total of 942 hours of training. The schedule may change slightly during some weeks to accommodate training needs (range, emergency driving course, etc.). The academy is held during daytime hours, generally beginning at 6:00 a.m.

Please visit our Join SacPD website for additional information. 


Sacramento Police Academy

Academy Video

Training period

Academy recruits are required to attend the entire training period to receive the P.O.S.T. certification. Allowances will be made on an individual basis if the recruit is scheduled to take an agency's test during the training period, providing the recruit will not miss certain area of instruction. Further, any recruit who misses in excess of 5% of the total academy hours will not receive their P.O.S.T. certificate.


The Sacramento Police Academy will furnish firearms to Sacramento Police Department and non-affiliated recruits. Agencies sponsoring a recruit will be required to supply their recruit’s firearms. These firearms will be used for range training and will be secured at the police academy facility during non-academy hours.


All recruits will purchase and wear the Sacramento Police Academy uniform. Ordering information will be provided by the Academy Staff.


Sponsoring agencies and non-affiliated recruits will be required to provide their own ammunition.

Tuition and fees

Sponsoring agencies and non-affiliated recruits are required to pay all college fees associated with their registration and participation in the Sacramento Police Academy. Completion of the Academy provides 26 college units. The current tuition to attend the Academy is $1,897.55. Out-of-state applicants will be required to pay the out-of-state college tuition fee. Prices are subject to change prior to each academy class. Contact the Academy at 916-808-2418 for additional details.

Getting started

Sponsoring agencies may contact the Academy at 916-808-2418 to register a recruit. To begin your application for the non-affiliate recruit position, download, print, and complete ALL of the forms listed below. Completed applications must be received by Monday May 5, 2025 to be considered for the Academy class starting on Monday July 7, 2025.

Requirements for a non-affiliate recruit

  • Must be at least 21 years of age upon completion of the Sacramento Police Academy 
  • High School Diploma or G.E.D. 
  • Minimum P.O.S.T. T-Score of 45 
  • Valid CA Driver's License 
  • Proof of Medical Insurance
  • Candidates must submit to and pass pre-academy fingerprint/DOJ screening 
  • No disqualifying adult criminal convictions 
  • No disqualifying juvenile criminal convictions
  • Candidate must be able to perform all required training activities
  • Pre-academy interview (if necessary due to applicant numbers)

*Livescan Requirement for all non-affiliate applicants

You must have a completed Livescan showing your are cleared to possess firearms prior to participating in the non affiliate interviews.

Interviews will take place approximately two to three weeks after the application deadline. If you do not have a completed Livescan, you will not be able to interview for the non-affiliate position.

Form submission

After completing all of the above forms, please mail or hand-deliver to:

Sacramento Police Academy
2409 Dean Street, Suite 144
McClellan, CA 95652