Contest a Parking Citation

How can I contest a parking citation?

Parking citations received in the city of Sacramento can be contested online at Parking Citation Services .

Find complete information at Parking Enforcement Detail  for parking citations received in the county of Sacramento.

How can I contest a traffic citation?

A person who receives a traffic citation may contest it by going to the court he/she is cited to (listed on the citation) and posting bail (paying the amount of the citation). After the person has posted bail, the court clerk will assign a court date. On the specified date, the person will be able to plead his/her case before a judge and question the officer. If the judge rules in the person's favor, the bail they posted will be refunded. Find complete information at the Superior Court Traffic  webpage.

In Sacramento, you may also contact:

Carol Miller Justice Center 
301 Bicentennial Circle
Sacramento, CA 95826 (map it )
Telephone: 916-875-7800
Hours: 8:30 - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding court holidays)