Daily Activity Log

The Sacramento Police Department responds to a variety of events and calls for service each day. To make it easier for citizens to follow these activities, we present the department's Daily Activity Log.

Commonly used acronyms:

  • CSI - Crime Scene Investigations 
  • DUI - Driving Under the Influence 
  • ER - Emergency Room 
  • MWA - Male White Adult (description of suspect: Male or Female, Race, Adult or Juvenile) 
  • MP - Missing Person 
  • PC - Penal Code 
  • POP - Problem Oriented Policing 
  • SFD - Sacramento Fire Department 
  • SPD - Sacramento Police Department 
A photo of a fully-marked Sacramento Police Department K9 patrol vehicle parked in a field with two police operated unmanned aircraft systems flying overhead. open_in_full

The information provided in our Daily Activity Log allows for a timely snapshot of significant events in our community. The crimes reported here are preliminary investigations, taken in the field by patrol officers, and may or may not be assigned to a detective for further investigation. The information provided may be found, after further investigation, to be incorrect or false. Certain details of these incidents have been removed due to potential follow-up investigation into the incident and/or for privacy rights.