Community and Victim Resources

Resources for victims of crime

What should you do once you have become a victim of a crime? Crime victims need to know their options. We provide the resources below to help empower you to fight back and find resolution.

First and foremost, file a police report . If you haven't already done so, be sure to file a report with your local law enforcement agency.

Officer trying to calm down victim, shocked girl crying open_in_full

Organizations dedicated to helping victims

The following organizations and resources offer valuable information in a variety of areas for victims of crime. For additional information, please see our Resource Opportunities  guide.

City of Sacramento

211 Sacramento  

  • A program of Community Link, 2-1-1 Sacramento provides free, confidential information and referral services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can refer clients to more than 1,600 community services in the Sacramento area. 

My Sister's House  

  • My Sister's House is the first and only non-profit organization to specifically identify and address the unique needs of women and children impacted by domestic violence in the Central Valley's highly diverse Asian and Pacific Islander community. 

River Oak Center for Children  

  • Helping children at risk, troubled teens, and families through mental health services, social services, behavioral therapy, and family counseling. 

Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers  

  • The Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that inhibit community involvement: fear and apathy. 

Sacramento Crisis Nurseries  

  • 24-hour childcare for children 0-6 years old when their parents are experiencing some type of stressful situation which may put the child in an unsafe environment. Can stay anywhere from 24 hours to 30 days. 

Victims of Crime Resource Center  

  • The Center has operated the state of California's confidential, toll-free 1-800-VICTIMS line since 1984. Primarily through the hotline, McGeorge law students provide resource and referral information to victims and their families, victim service providers, and other victim advocates. Callers receive information on matters such as victims compensation, victims' rights in the justice system, restitution, civil suits, the right to speak at sentencing and parole board hearings, as well as information on specific rights of victims of domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse, and abuse against the disabled. 

Volunteers In Victim Assistance (VIVA)  

  • VIVA is a full service center for victims, witnesses, friends and family members who have experienced a violent crime or trauma.

County of Sacramento

Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento 

  • Seeks to increase public awareness about issues relating to child abuse and neglect. The intent is to build a community which protects its children by recognizing indicators and responding appropriately.

District Attorney's Victim/Witness Assistance Program 

  • Many victims of crime may suffer physical, emotional, or financial harm due to the crime. Others may face retaliation, intimidation, or may be confused by the criminal justice system. Assistance is available from the Victim/Witness program staff. Trained and experienced advocates provide crisis counseling, orientation to the criminal justice system, community referrals, assistance with applying for victim compensation, a support group for family members of homicide victims, and many other services. Assistance and information is available in several different languages. Special assistance is available to victims of elder abuse and dependent adult abuse.

Family Justice Center - Hope Thrives Here 

  • Family violence occurs in our community every day, including elder & child abuse, sexual assault & human trafficking. The Family Justice Center will be a place free from violence, restoring hope and allowing families to thrive.

Restraining Orders 

  • General Information, Civil Harassment, Domestic Violence, Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse, Workplace Violence, and Emergency Protective Orders.

Sacramento County Adult Protective Services (APS) 

  • APS is dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of elderly and dependent adults who are victims of abuse or neglect. APS is a state mandated service program charged with investigating situations involving elderly and dependent adults who are reported to be in danger due to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or hazardous or unsafe living conditions.

Women Escaping A Violent Environment (WEAVE) 

  • WEAVE provides crisis intervention services to women, men and children in Sacramento County who have experienced domestic violence or have been sexually assaulted. It is WEAVE's mission to bring an end to domestic violence and sexual assault in partnership with our community.