Bid Opportunities

Word cloud with Procurement highlighted open_in_full

Contracting opportunities

This information has been prepared to provide you with general information about the City's procurement functions and policies. We hope these general guidelines will simplify your visits and efforts to do business with the City of Sacramento. 

Procurement responsibilities

The Procurement Services Division is responsible for obtaining supplies and services necessary for the efficient operation of City government. To obtain maximum value and provide reliable services, most City purchases for commodities and nonprofessional services are made through the competitive bidding process, with bids awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Professional service contract awards are usually made on a best value basis that is determined during the proposal evaluation process.

Vendor registration

Vendors wishing to do business with the City should register as a vendor with the City’s Bid Center, the official electronic bid database for the City. Notifications of bids are sent out automatically to registered vendors. There is no cost to register as a vendor when it is done through the City’s public website. For supplies currently doing business with the City they can update and maintain their supplier information in the ebid portal.

What the City buys

The Procurement Services Division buys a variety of goods and services. Staff is assigned by commodities or service groups. You may contact the Procurement Services Division at (916) 808-6240 to obtain the name of the appropriate Procurement Services representative responsible for the commodities or service groups you are interested in. Should you wish to meet with Procurement staff, calling in advance to schedule an appointment would be appreciated.

Bid & RFP options / procedures

Current Invitations For Bids (IFB) and Requests For Proposals (RFP) and past solicitations may be viewed on the City’s Bid Center. The portal is:

The City solicits bids for goods and services in the following ways:

Purchases of $250,000 or more

Purchases of $250,000 or more usually require formal competitive bidding. These opportunities are advertised on the City’s Bid Center. Bid submissions related to formal Requests for Bids (RFBs) are opened and read by the City Clerk almost immediately following the bid submission deadline. Bid openings are open to the public and all bidders are welcome to attend. Following bid tabulation and analysis, recommendations for awards of $250,000 or more appear on the City Council Agenda. Awards are normally made during regularly scheduled City Council meetings on Tuesday evenings.

Purchases of $100,000.01 up to and including $249,999.99

Purchases of $100,000.01 up to and including $249,999.99 usually require formal competitive bidding. These bid opportunities are advertised on the City’s Bid Center. Bids are opened at the offices of the City department that has posted the bid (exact location will be listed in the bid information package). Following bid tabulation and analysis, recommendations for award will be made. Purchases of $100,000.01 up to and including $249,999.99 may be approved by the City Manager or their designee.

Purchases of $10,000.01 up to and including $100,000

Most purchases of $10,000.01 up to and including $100,000 are solicited by informal quotes sent out by the department. The department designee sends informal quotation requests directly to a minimum of three potential vendors. Such quotations may or may not be advertised on the City’s Bid Center.

Purchases of $10,000 or less

Purchases of $10,000 or less are considered discretionary purchases and can be purchased directly by City staff without competitive bidding and are not usually advertised on the City’s Bid Center

Local business 5% preference

On April 3, 2012, the City Council adopted a Local Business Enterprise program (LBE) to provide enhanced opportunities for local businesses.

On November 19, 2013, the City Council increased the LBE preference from 2% to 5%.

A bid or quotation submitted by a firm that is located within the City limits or within unincorporated Sacramento County will receive a 5% bid evaluation preference. This preference will be used for the purpose of determining the lowest responsible bidder for supplies and non-professional services under $250,000 and professional services.

The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and the Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE) preferences have been eliminated.

Local sales tax 1% preference

The City currently allows vendors located within the Sacramento City limits a 1% bid evaluation preference on taxable purchases.

Invoicing and payment

Each shipment of goods must be invoiced separately. To receive payment, vendors are required to submit an itemized invoice to the address as instructed in the contract or as stated on the Purchase Order. All invoices must be numbered and reference the City's purchase order number. Invoices must describe in detail the goods or services provided. Payment is usually made within 30 days after a properly completed invoice is received. Whenever possible, the City tries to take advantage of prompt-payment discounts. For more information about payments and invoicing, contact the City Department being invoiced.

All contractors doing business with the city for the first time must provide their federal tax ID (or social security number if a sole proprietor) as well as their W-9 and 590 forms and the City of Sacramento Business Operations Tax ID number.

City contact phone number

The following are telephone numbers for City Offices that might be useful to vendors wishing to do business with the City:

Sacramento City 311 (Information)

311 - Within City Limits

(916) 808-5011 - Outside City Limits

Business Operations Tax (Revenue Division)

(916) 808-8500

City Clerk's Office

City Hall

915 “I” Street, Fifth Floor

Sacramento, CA 95814

311 or (916) 808-5011

Community Development

(including Animal Care)

311 or (916) 808-5011

Convention Center

(916) 808-8225

Department of Public Works

(including Engineering Services, Facilities / Real Property, Fleet Management, Parking Services, Recycling and Solid Waste, Transportation)

(916) 808-8300

Department Of Utilities

(including Engineering Services & Water)

(916) 808-1400

Economic Development

(916) 808-7223

Human Resources

(916) 808-5731

Information Technology

(916) 808-5763

Parks & Recreation

(916) 808-5200

Police Department

(Fiscal Services)

(916) 808-0850

Procurement Services Division

(916) 808-6240