Stockton Blvd Plan Project Overview

About the Stockton Boulevard Plan

The City is partnering with residents, business owners, landowners, and organizations to strengthen the Stockton Boulevard corridor as a vital core for the surrounding neighborhoods and region. Through a collaborative and inclusive planning process, the City and its partners is building a shared vision of the corridor as a great place for existing residents and businesses while also providing space for future growth.

The Stockton Blvd Plan reflects the City’s commitment to its neighborhoods and focuses on, and is reflective of, the community. It aims to improve the quality of life and economic opportunity for existing residents and businesses along the corridor, while increasing community ownership and building local capacity.

Please see the Project Map of the area for the Stockton Blvd. Plan.

Schedule of ActionsNotes

1. Inventory

Fall 2020 - Winter 2021

Review and analyze existing conditions.

2. Issues & Priorities

Fall 2020 – Winter 2021

Identify blind spots, focus points, issues, challenges, opportunities, and priorities.

3. Visioning*

Winter 2021 - Spring 2021

Create a shared vision and define community success.

4. Strategies*

Spring 2021 - Fall 2021

Develop and prioritize actions.

5. Create Draft Plan*

Fall 2021 - Summer 2022

Review input and draft documentation.

6. Community Working Version*

Summer 2022 - Summer 2023

Discuss initial draft and collect updates and ideas.

7. Update Plan

Fall 2022 - Summer 2023

Review input and update draft document.

8. Public Review Draft Plan/EIR*

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

Release Public Review Draft Plan and Environmental Impact Report and collect input.

9. Adopt Plan

Fall 2024

Finalize and adopt the Stockton Blvd Plan and certify the EIR.

  * Major Public Engagement Phase