Stockton Blvd Plan Meetings and Events

There are currently no upcoming meetings.


Previous meetings and events by the Stockton Blvd Plan

Planning and Design Commission Public Hearing

Staff presented an overview of the Stockton Blvd Plan Public Review Draft to the Planning and Design Commission on Thursday, May 9, 2024.

Stockton Boulevard Trivia Night!

Attendees were able to test trivia skills at a Stockton Boulevard Trivia Night! They were able to learn more about the Stockton Blvd Plan and how to provide input while testing their knowledge and competing for exciting prizes! Free food and refreshments were available.

Stockton Blvd Plan Office Hours

Between October 17-27, City staff conducted open office hours, hosted by the Stockton Blvd Partnership. While the office hours were open to all, the City focused on reaching business owners and property owners to discuss and provide input on the Community Working Version of the Stockton Blvd Plan.

Stockton Blvd Partnership

5657 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95824

Community Fall Pop-Up Events

The Stockton Blvd Plan Community Engagement Team held three pop-up events during the fall of 2022, reaching approximately 135 residents. The first event was held September 17th at La Superior, a grocery store specializing in Hispanic food. On September 24th, the second pop-up was held at A&A Market, a grocery store specializing in Vietnamese food. The third and final pop-up was held at SF Market, a grocery store specializing in Chinese food, on October 13th. The project team, in partnership with Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese interpreters, used activity boards to facilitate conversations with residents on three main themes: Storytelling, Placemaking, and Housing and Anti-Displacement.

Spotlight on Stockton Blvd Event

Thank you to all who attended and participated in the Spotlight on Stockton festivities! We spent the day celebrating the history, food, and culture in the Stockton Boulevard. We heard from residents, businesses, and community members on what they love about the area and what matters most to them for the Stockton Blvd Plan.

Donner Field (Behind William Lee Prep)
October 8, 2022
9:00am - 2:00pm

View the event flyer.

A big shout out to our community partners—Sacramento Regional Transit, Sacramento Building Healthy Communities (The HUB), Sacramento Urban Learning Academy, Oak Park Neighborhood Association, Veritable Good, Civic Thread, and Ascent—and Councilmembers Eric Guerra and Jay Schenirer for helping organize and carry out the successful event!

A few highlights from the day included:

  • Participants engaged in a variety of community building activities and games for kids and adults alike
  • Free prizes and giveaways included a Schwinn bike, gift cards, pumpkins, and kids’ toys
  • Delicious food and drinks prepared by Toucha’ Class and Butterfly Beverages
  • Music and spoken word performances
  • Beautiful weather!

What we hear from the community:

  • Stories and favorite places along the Stockton Blvd Corridor and the surrounding area
  • How to prioritize housing and business anti-displacement strategies
  • Prioritizing plan actions
  • How to retain and support small businesses
  • Input on transit stops with Sacramento Regional Transit

Anti-Displacement Community Conversation

On September 23, 2022, about 30 people attended a community conversation on anti-displacement to:

  • Review how anti-displacement framework and actions were reflected in the Community Working Draft of the Stockton Blvd Plan.
  • Encourage attendees to review and comment on the Community Working Version of the Stockton Blvd Plan (
  • Hear an update on the anti-displacement programs coming from the Aggie Square Community Benefits and Partnership Agreement.
  • Provide a venue for organizations and individuals working on anti-displacement to share what they’re doing and invite others to join them.

View recording of the meeting.

City staff sent a summary to registrants of how the Stockton Blvd Plan Community Working Version addresses displacement. View summary.

Harvest Festival

On October 28, 2021, we had a Harvest Fest for the community members where we had food, raffle prizes, and a discussion about the future of Stockton Blvd. Along with English, we also had materials and staff available for Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Spanish, Hmong, and Vietnamese speakers.

Date: Thursday, October 28th
Time: 5:30-7pm
Location: Fruitridge Community Collaborative
4625 44th St, Sacramento

Celebrate Stockton Blvd Event

A community celebration with food and fun will be held in October. You will also have a chance to see what other community members said about the strategies.

Date: Saturday, October 23rd
Location/Time: Colonial Heights Library, 10am-12pm

Celebrate Stockton Blvd Flyer

Celebrate Stockton Blvd Flyer – ASL Version

Celebrate Stockton Blvd Brochure

Community Events to Prioritize Strategies to Revitalize Stockton Blvd*

Survey to Prioritize Strategies to Revitalize Stockton Blvd

A survey was offered on the following topics below to gain feedback from community members to help prioritize strategies to revitalize Stockton Blvd. Each topic linked to a survey according to the subject matter. Surveys were available in Vietnamese, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Cantonese).

We had an activity to prioritize potential strategies to accomplish this under the following topics:

Topic 1. Housing & Anti-displacement.
Topic 2. Inclusive Economic Development
Topic 3. Placemaking, Arts, & Culture
Topic 4. Environment & Public Health
Topic 5. Community Engagement & Building Capacity

Click HERE to view the draft strategy boards
Click HERE to view the Project Overview and Glossary

Date: Saturday, September 11th
Location/Time: Colonial Heights Library, 10am-1pm
Description: Approximately 30 people stopped by and talked to staff and provided input on the draft strategies.

Date: Wednesday, September 22nd
Location/Time: Will C. Wood, 5:30-7pm.
Description: Materials and interpreters were available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Hmong, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Approximately 20 people attended and provided input on the draft strategies.

Date: Thursday, September 23rd
Location/Time: Mutual Housing at Greenway Apartments, 6:00-7:30pm.
Description: The City’s community partners (VG Consulting, WalkSacramento, and Building Healthy Communities) held a BBQ for apartment residents. Approximately 50 residents came by to participate and provide their input.

Date: Wednesday, September 29th
Location/Time: Zoom, 6:00-7:30pm
Description: City staff hosted a virtual event to discuss the various strategies and collect input. Approximately 20 people attended.

Land Use and Development on Stockton Blvd

August 25, 2021 from 6-7:30 pm

City staff held an online conversation to address questions about the City’s development process and obtain input on how the Stockton Blvd Plan could address land use or development refinements. City staff provided an overview of the Stockton Blvd Plan, existing tools that regulate land use (including the Broadway-Stockton Special Planning District), and explained how the City reviews development applications. Attendees and City staff discussed types of land uses the community would like to see more of on the corridor, how the City can partner with the community to guide future development, and City staff answered questions about the development process. If you happened to miss this informative conversation, then check out the video recording below:

Link to the recording

Link to the meeting slides

Notice of Preparation

The City of Sacramento will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Stockton Boulevard Plan. The EIR will evaluate potential significant environmental effects of the proposed Stockton Boulevard Plan and associated actions. Please review the Notice of Preparation.

City staff held a scoping meeting on July 20, 2021. View the presentation here: Stockton Blvd Plan EIR Scoping Meeting (Passcode: 5i.A.Qm@).

Anti-Displacement and Community Ownership Discussions

We hosted two online meetings on June 23 and July 1, centering around anti-displacement strategies and community ownership models. These two meetings included organizations and individuals who are working on these topics. Many helpful resources were shared during the June 23 community conversation on anti-displacement strategies. Check out the Sacramento Housing Resource List.

View the recording of the June 23 anti-displacement community conversation. Use passcode: vj9^.wBz

You can watch the recording of the July 1 community ownership discussion. Use passcode: e!ma7^Ad

Resident Planning Team Meetings

The Resident Planning Team met with City staff for April/May working groups on five topics. Below are links to the meeting notes (including attachments and recordings, where available):

  1. Mobility/Transportation – We recommended attendance at the Transportation Prioritization meeting hosted by the City of Sacramento Transportation Dept.
    Link to the meeting slides
  2. Environmental & Public Health (April 22nd)– We had an open dialogue about community-owned grocery stores, food deserts, the city’s climate action plan, funding from public health institutions, community gardens, and much more.
    Link to a video recording and meeting notes
  3. Placemaking, Arts, & Culture (May 3rd) – We had a great discussion about the cultural landmarks of Stockton Blvd, community events and festivals, local storytelling, night markets, and projects for local artists.
    Link to a video recording and meeting notes
  4. Inclusive Economic Development (April 27th) – We had a diverse range of topics brought forth that included: wealth-building strategies, increasing Wi-Fi access, utilizing vacant properties, signage for Little Saigon, local hiring, language barriers, and frustration over the lack of communication from the City.
    Link to a video recording and meeting notes
  5. Housing & Anti-Displacement (May 6th) – We had an eye-opening dialogue about community-ownership models, Accessory-Dwelling Units, community canvassing, making community land trusts more accessible, and a Resale Inspection Program
    Link to a video recording and meeting notes

More past events:

  • Stockton Blvd Plan: Reflect, Connect, Affect- view the Presentation and recording of the meeting.
    Wednesday, February 10th, 2021
    6:00-8:00 pm
    An English-language event was held on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021. Over 100 people attended this online meeting. This event was designed to help inform community members about the Stockton Blvd Plan and to start gathering feedback to help guide next steps in developing the plan. The topics covered included the history and culture of Stockton Blvd, connecting current and future projects, and developing a plan the community can take action on.
  • May 19, 2020 – City Council considered and approved a contract for a consultant/community-based organization team to help City staff conduct the planning and environmental review processes.
  • January/February 2020 – City staff sent out a survey to organizations working in the Stockton Boulevard area to better understand the existing efforts so the City doesn’t reinvent the wheel and can be a better partner. Results of this survey will be used to create a better understanding of existing resources and programs that we can share with organizations, neighborhood residents, businesses, and landowners.
  • January 29, 2019 – City staff presented at the Fruitridge Manor Neighborhood Association/Stockton Boulevard Partnership meeting and provided an information sheet. The purpose was to let the neighborhood know about the upcoming planning effort.
  • January/February 2020 – A panel consisting of City staff and representatives from several neighborhood associations, UC Davis, and the Stockton Boulevard Partnership interviewed consultant/community-based organization teams. The panel recommended a preferred team based on the proposal and interview.
  • December 2019 – A request for proposals for a consultant team was sent to planning firms and community-based organizations.