Stockton Boulevard Plan

stockton blvd plan logo with three graphics of people of various shades of brown with a wave of blue and aqua colors behind them open_in_full

About the Stockton Blvd Plan

The City is partnering with residents, business owners, landowners, and organizations to strengthen the Stockton Boulevard corridor as a vital core for the surrounding neighborhoods and region. Through a collaborative and inclusive planning process, the City and its partners is building a shared vision of the corridor as a great place for existing residents and businesses while also providing space for future growth.

The Stockton Blvd Plan reflects the City’s commitment to its neighborhoods and focuses on, and is reflective of, the community. It aims to improve the quality of life and economic opportunity for existing residents and businesses along the corridor, while increasing community ownership and building local capacity.

Please see the Project Map of the area for the Stockton Blvd. Plan.


Announcements about the Stockton Blvd Plan.

Public Review Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for Comment!

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Stockton Blvd Plan is now available for public review and comment. The Draft EIR is being circulated for a 45-day public review period from June 21, 2024, to August 7, 2024. Written comments regarding the Draft EIR should be received by the Environmental Planning Services NO LATER THAN Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Written comments should be submitted to:

Scott Johnson, Senior Planner

City of Sacramento, Community Development Department

Environmental Planning Services 300 Richards Boulevard, Third Floor

Sacramento, CA 95811

If you have any questions concerning the environmental review process, please call Scott Johnson (916) 808-5842

cover of stockton blvd plan with various pictures. African American woman serving food, a barber cutting a mans hair, a business sign for colonial theater, drummers, a table of food and two murals. open_in_full

What's happening on Stockton Boulevard?

The Stockton Blvd. Plan Interactive Map shows locations for the known City, community, and partner initiatives happening around Stockton Boulevard. We would like to recognize the ongoing work in these neighborhoods.

If you have a project or initiative to add, please contact us at

Preview photo of Stockton Blvd interactive map. open_in_full

Preview photo of the Stockton Blvd Plan interactive map.