8. Benefits of Infill Development

Infill development plays a crucial role in addressing the housing crisis by providing opportunities to develop a wider array of housing options. It can leverage existing resources and underutilized spaces to foster sustainable, climate-friendly, and vibrant communities that promote walkability and community engagement.

USE OF EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE – Infill housing maximizes the use of existing infrastructure such as roads, water, and sewage systems, reducing the need for costly expansion projects. A report by Smart Growth America states that this type of development can save up to 38 percent on upfront costs for new infrastructure, and many other studies have concluded that this number can be as high as 50 percent. (1)

REDUCE SPRAWL – Infill housing helps prevent urban sprawl by promoting development within existing urban boundaries. A report by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research found that adding affordable housing to infill locations improves jobs-housing match, in turn shorting commutes and reducing vehicle miles traveled. Additionally, the City’s Missing Middle Housing (MMH) Study found that through this method’s gentle approach to infill development, it has the potential to reduce sprawl by gradually increasing the number of households in an area. (2) (3)

ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS – Infill housing supports environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with commuting and preserving green spaces. A report by the Urban Land Institute states that infill development can lead to a 20 -40 percent reduction in vehicle emissions compared to conventional suburban development. (4)

WALKABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY – Infill housing enhances walkability and accessibility to amenities such as shops, schools, and public transportation. A study published in Research in Transportation Economics found that residential infill development in central parts of metropolitan areas can have a substantial influence on reducing vehicle dependence and on promoting alternative modes. (5)

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND VIBRANCY – Infill housing fosters community engagement and vibrancy by eliminating gaps in activity between existing destinations and bringing new residents and businesses. The American Planning Association found that identifying new uses for underutilized land helps fill gaps in the community fabric and offers opportunities to create health, social, economic, and environmental benefits. (6)