Environmental Planning

Environmental impact reports/studies

Environmental Planning staff (EPS) review discretionary development projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). They check for impacts to protected biological species, air quality, and historic resources.

As part of the environmental process, the City weighs a variety of factors when deciding whether to approve a proposed land use or other project. One such factor is what kind of effect a project would have on the environment.

Environmental Planning also provides environmental analysis for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Capital Improvement/Private/Public Projects

EPS prepares and oversees (either in-house or through private sector contracting) the preparation of all environmental documents, technical studies, and associated permit applications required to comply with CEQA and NEPA prior to project approval by the City. EPS coordinates with all applicable responsible agencies for document preparation. EPS also participates in the selection of consultants approved to prepare environmental review documents within Sacramento.

In-house Technical Assistance & Policy Coordination

 EPS oversees and provides quality assurance for exemptions and simple negative declarations prepared by City staff.