Restrictions and requirements

  1. Plan submitted for preapproval shall be for detached ADU’s only, as defined and regulated in Government Code 66310-66342. This preapproval is valid only for construction in the City of Sacramento.
  2. By submitting plans for preapproval, the designer acknowledges and agrees that the preapproved plans shall be made publicly available and accessible for use and download.
  3. Plans submitted for preapproval may not have options. If alternate elevations are desired, each alternate must be individually submitted for review and approval.
  4. A unique name must be placed upon the cover sheet of all preapproved plans. The name must be inclusive of the words “City of Sacramento Preapproved ADU Plan”, followed by the activity number (e.g. MP-xxxxxx). This activity number will be generated at the time of application for the initial preapproval review activity.
  5. The designer shall produce one plan sheet that includes a floor plan and all elevation drawings. This sheet will be used for posting on the City’s Preapproved ADU Plans webpage along with the contact information of the designer.
  6. All preapproved ADU’s must be designed for compliance with the prescriptive provisions of the current edition of the California Residential Code. Building designs that require engineering will not be accepted through this preapproval process.
  7. All exterior walls of the preapproved ADU must have a minimum horizontal distance of five feet from all lot lines, and from any other structures on the same lot.
  8. No element of the design or plans is allowed to be deferred or to be reliant on additional permits.
  9. If Solar Photovoltaic equipment is required by the energy code compliance report included in the plan set, the photovoltaic plans must be incorporated into the plan set for review as part of the preapproval program. All preapproved plans must include energy code compliance reports for all orientations.
  10. All preapproved plans are valid only within the current triennial California Building Standards Code (California Title 24) rulemaking cycle for which they have been preapproved. Plans must reflect the date that the plans become invalid due to the state’s triennial building standards code change. Plans will be removed from the website by the last submittal date of each code cycle. If the designer wishes to re-apply for future code cycles, plans must be updated and resubmitted for review on or after the effective date of the applicable edition of the California Building Standards Code.  

For additional questions, please contact: