Building Fees

Fee information

Use the following resources to determine your project's fees.

  1. Average permit cost: View average permit costs for common residential minor permits
  2. Fees by project: This resource provides a detailed list of project types and the fees that apply.
  3. Search a fee: Search the City fee database for detailed information on a specific fee.

Fee administrators

Many of the fees collected in conjunction with building permits are not under the authority of the Building Division specifically. The following fees are administered by other parties. The list below provides the fee type and contact information which can be used to discuss fee amounts or how a fee may apply to a proposed project. Prior to calling these numbers please review information available about these fees via the Fees by project link above.

A full fee estimate may be requested for a proposed project by completing the Applicant's Preliminary Building Permit Fee Estimate Worksheet and emailing it to

Sacramento County regional sanitation fee

(916) 876-6100

Fire Department plan review fee

(916) 808-1634

North Natomas development fee

(916) 808-1980 or (916) 808-1440

North Natomas habitat conservation

(916) 808-1964

Development impact fees for Railyards, River District, Downtown areas and 65th St.

Sacramento transportation development impact fees (STA)

(916) 808-5052

Citywide transportation development impact fees (TDIF)

(916) 808-5052

Public works fee

Water development fee

(916) 808-1400

Utilities fee

(916) 808-1400

Park development impact fee

Housing trust fund fee and housing impact fee (mixed income housing ordinance)