Poultry License and Permit

Requirements for owning and housing poultry

  • A maximum of three (3) chickens per residential parcel
  • Roosters are prohibited
  • Slaughtering is prohibited
  • Coop may not be closer than 20 feet to the nearest neighboring dwelling
  • Chickens must be confined and properly caged in a coop at all times
  • Owners must ensure chickens do not cause significant noise disturbances
  • Coop must be well-maintained and clean and be a minimum of 15 square feet and a maximum of 42 square feet
  • Coop must have four walls and a roof and be constructed of suitable material
  • Coop may only be kept in the rear yard
  • Nesting boxes in the coop are required
  • Chickens must be provided with adequate food, water, and ventilation
  • Feed must be stored properly to prevent spoilage and to prevent access to other animals and rodents
  • Feces and feathers must be removed every 24 hours and shall be stored in an air tight container prior to disposal. Use of city issued garbage containers is acceptable.

Fees for poultry licensing and coop permit

  • $15 annual licensing fee per chicken. A band will be issued for each bird.
  • $25 annual permit fee for a chicken coop

Inspections by animal control

  • Animal Control Officers will respond to perform inspections only if a complaint is filed
  • Administrative citations will be issued for a violation of the ordinance. Criminal citations may be issued for possession of fighting roosters or for any animal cruelty, abuse, or neglect situation.

Purchase a poultry license and coop permit

Apply by mail or in-person by downloading and completing the application.

You will NOT be able to apply online.