I Lost My Small Animal

No fees to pick up your pet! Excludes investigations, confiscations, and repeat impounds (depending on the circumstances)

Step 1

Click on the links above to view small animals (other than dogs and cats) at the shelter and found by members of the community.

If you see a pet that looks like yours, write down the Animal ID and dial 311 to speak to the City of Sacramento 311 Call Center (24 hours day / 7 days a week). If you are unable to dial that number, please call 916-808-7387.

Step 2

Text STRAY to 833-511-0426 to receive our proven tips to help you find your pet as well as website links to fill out a lost pet report and to view pets in the Sacramento-area shelters

Step 3

  • If you are unable to text, submit a lost pet report on Petco Love Lost's website.
  • Check local animal shelters’ websites every 3 days for new arrivals.
  • Check Nextdoor for the neighborhood where your pet was lost and create a lost pet post with picture.
  • Check and post to the lost pet Facebook groups for your area.
  • Check Craigslist for found pet posts in the Lost & Found category and create a lost pet ad with picture.
  • If your pet has a microchip, contact your microchip company and ensure your phone number is updated in their system.
  • Post small flyers on neighbors’ doors and post large flyers at major intersections around your neighborhood.


a paw inside a magnifying glass next to the words Petco Love Lost and reuniting pets open_in_full

Petco Love Lost allows pet parents to upload a photo and search for their pet after the pet has gone missing. Pet facial recognition makes it faster and easier than ever to find possible matches for lost and found pets from people and shelters all across the country. You can create and distribute lost and found pet alerts to share to NextDoor, Facebook, email, and more.

PawBoost enlists the help of local communities in neighborhoods and jurisdictions across the United States and beyond, including partnerships with local shelters, to help spread the word and match the thousands of lost and stray animals reported to PawBoost every day. Whether you've lost your pet or found somebody else's, PawBoost is here to help.

green circle around an animated dog's face next to a green-colored word of PawBoost open_in_full